
A Brief, non Greek Dialouge

So. Moussaoui has been sentanced to life in prison. Kalid Sheik Mohammad sits, very much alive, in jail as well. How awesome. The only one who has been charged for a few thousand deaths was the bumbling fool who didn't even understand the laws of gravity. Not even the simple one that states what goes up must come down. The reason he was caught was that a flight school in Eagan got suspicious of a man who wanted to learn how to fly a plane, but not how to land. What was he thinking, that the teachers would believe that Allah would grace him with the power to land a plane on command? Clearly, being a terrorist conventional wisdom would tell us he couldn't think, that he was simply a killer without conscious or mind. I think the opposite. The terrorists have to have some degree of cunning, or else we'd have caught them by now. Of course, that also assumes that military intelligance is something other than a folk tale told to reassure little kids by the campfire.
"But never fear. The ghost of Old Bin Laden cannot strike while the mighty Texans roam the hills of Iraq."
"But mommy, I thought Bin Laden wasn't IN Iraq"
"Don't talk like that my son. The soldiers need our help."
"To do what mommy?"
"Don't ask me what I cannot know. Do you want me to tell the story of Pecos Bill again?"
"Yes mommy. I'd like that very much."

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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

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Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.