
It's a MAd Wolrdkljs

Has the world gone mad under our noses? The United States is fighting a war on fear, Japan and South Korea are at daggers again over a bunch of uninhabited rocks, and to top off the madness GAS IS OVER THREE DOLLARS A GALLON! Okay, face it people, in light of Iranian nukes, what's a few bucks at the pump? Mind, I confess to biking more than driving but that's no large sacrifice. Americans need to lose some weight. It's a fact. There should be a new reality show, biggest loser, Bikefest to work each day. Save the bucks, lose the pounds. Piece of cake. Pun intended.
Roman Wolf

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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

My photo
Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.