

Greetings. How do you all do?

So, if the recommendations go into failure, what is left in Iraq will be a power vacuum. Power vacuums are filled by the most powerful force, which right now is looking like either Iran/Syria. So it will go to them, which is the last thing that Bush and the American Government want. So what do we gain/lose by talking with those two? Hard to say.
Now, the pe0ple in those countries would hardly benefit from a mass influx of immigrants, and no country likes to have a lot of really upset people on the loose. So they need to see Iraq stablize one way or another. If America can't they will. That's the mutual interest in Iraq, and when it comes to negotiations, that is a first step.
Secondly, what harm could talking bring? Bush has made it perfectly clear that he is capable of hearing without listening like a parrot, so I doubt he'll just nod and obey what Syria and Iran say.
So I support the negotiations. If all else fails, we can just argue about the size of the table for a year and stall them out.

Roman Wolf

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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

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Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.