Twice in one day. You nonexistant frequent readers are lucky. If you happen to exist, please leave a comment now, so I can keep track of my membership. I wish to move on in my conversation from earlier today with another topic I wished to discuss on this twelve of May. What do you think of pizza? No, just joking. Are Americans so accostumed to living in a fairly safe and luxuriant society where there are no massive famines or truly great risk of dying of starvation day in and day out that we have decided not to fight for what is our own anymore? Can the awestricking possiblilities Emerson and Thoreau spoke of when they talked about a budding nation, concieved not in the old European mold but in a fresh one, the child of wilderness and liberty still be in store for us today? Or is all of that just a bunch of rambling from some guys nobody can understand anymore and therefore not worth our time? I disagree. The idea of Thoreau, his idea of a government where even the malcontents could be free to think and act on their own in keeping with the structures of civilization cannot and must never become an outdated idea of some garbled thinker by a pond. Did any of you even know that he went to jail rather than pay taxes to a government that acted on a preemtive strike for more land and to suit the greedy desires of buisnessmen? Did you know that part of the reason behind the acquision of Texas and the war America started with Mexico was so that the railroads wouldn't have to waste time and money burrowing through a mountain? Now all of that was for nothing, it seems. 7% in a recent poll said that we should just sell the southwest back to Mexico so we don't have to deal with their immigrants. That won't solve anything! Get at the root when you want to take out a stump, a weed! Dig it out of the ground, toss it aside, spray it, but don't just wall off the entire garden because of some unwanted things! That is all we ever seem to do in this country where once ideals of liberty and justice for all were planted in the soil where people like my ancestors dug and plowed, and millions came by the hideous storage of boats just to have a chance! A chance. That is what every immigrant who struggles to come to this country throughout it's history has wanted, nothing more, nothing less. Shame on all who would deny people that chance and would wall it off in the name of whoever you want. Border Security! Ha, I spit on that convienient excuse. What terrorist of 9/11 snuck across the dangerous border of Mexico, where so many people have died trying to make it to America? What terrorist even would? Lot of good your bones will be doing in some jihad if the buzzards are picking at them. So what are those people in power afraid of, with these people coming across the border? What has any nativist been afraid of throughout America's history? In the 1920's it was communists, the Red Scare, Sacco and Vanzetti. Now it is terrorists. Even that was not a threat to the average American, just the powerful buisness owners who feared worker's rights would ruin their profit margin, so anyone who stood up for them was a godless commie. Today, what danger do immigrants wanting a job pose to me, the average American? When they stand before my work, gun in hand, ready to shoot me over a paycheck, there is a danger, but I insist-IT HASN"T HAPPENED! So what do they fear, those who would attack anyone differant? A piece of themselves, the unknown element of desperation they hope they and their families never have to face.
Roman Wolf
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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

- Lobolius
- Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.
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- The Politically Sniffing Wolf Returns to You All
- Hello out there good folks. I apologize for the f...
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- A Brief, non Greek Dialouge
- Okay, the other one from this day was simply a tes...
- Ignore this slight little blog
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- Greetings this spring
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