Democracy, the Good
Just feel like I ought to shake things up a tad tonight. Not like it really matters, unless somebody dares to drop in on the Rant. For those that do, this is what I have to say. Do some people delight in torment? Can it be fun to be cruel and callous, or must evil always be evil? Personally, I doubt if there even is such a thing as good, or as evil. There are terrible things, and wonderful things, but why should they be inherently good, or inherently evil? In political terms, can a politician do evil, even if it benefits a nation, or a region? Somehow, during the Cold War, much of the West felt that there were cruel and nearly evil things out there that could be used for our own benefit, and as long as it did so, somehow, it wasn't so evil anymore. The major definition of good was Non-Communist, and yet, what evil was done in the name of that good? Did not America and others take the name of good in vain, by supporting dictators like Pinochet, who "only" killed about three thousand people? And tortured thousands and thousands more? Just because they were opposed to the evils of communism? Stranger yet, when faced with the Villany of Hitler, we were bedfellows with the mother of that evil, the Soviet Union. How does that translate into a moral message for the generations after? What have the people of the younger generation, who listen back to stories in history books of men and nations the USA supported but did such terrible things? Many were non democracies, which toppled our beloved democracies, because democracy bred communism when the poor longed for a voice. Now we are being told that democracy is the ultimate good, and must endure because it is good and great and just. But what of the democracies democracy killed? Were they not just, Communism and All? Lobolius
More Campfire Tales
Well, everyone, it seems the Wolf has fallen into an exile of sorts on the web. My local library has been closed until it reopens somewhere else in March, so I have been cast out in search of an alternative library source. I found one, and am happily blogging away as ever.
What to talk about? Nothing political is coming to mind that I have any strong desires to rant about, so how about I resume the story about the young boy by the campfire. If you recall, awhile back I told this tale of a young boy whose mother was telling him campfire stories about the ghost of Bin Laden. I left off with him being told that all was well, and we should hush up our critisicm.
"But mother, I thought we could have free speech. Isn't that what the terrorists hated about us? But we beat them, didn't we mother?"
"We will one day defeat evil my son. Until that day we must all trust to the Lord God above and hope for a brighter day when the nonbelievers are doomed."
"But my teacher told me on Friday that all of us have the same God, and worship him in differant ways, like people climbing a mountain that has many paths but only one summit. If we all have the same God, aren't we all believers? So this war, it is only between people fighting how to climb this mountain, not about which mountain of God is better."
"Wise words son. It is on those wise words that peace may come."
"So why are we fighting people, mother, if we all believe alike?"
The boy's mother hung her head, gazing into the fire. Its flames cackled warmly, invitingly. "I don't know son. Maybe us humans just can't get God's signals right, and keep thinking we know what He said, and are arguing over what the words are, but there is no difference between what is said to us and what is said to them."
The boy thought about it, studying the sparks that snapped above his head. "Then you know what I want to do when I grow up Mommy? I want to tell everyone that we all have the same belief in the same God, and should all learn to listen to what he really says. Doesn't that sound like a good idea mommy?"
"Yes my son. It is a wonderful idea."
Words to bear in mind, all of you out there and about who happen to drop in on me.
Roman Wolf
What to talk about? Nothing political is coming to mind that I have any strong desires to rant about, so how about I resume the story about the young boy by the campfire. If you recall, awhile back I told this tale of a young boy whose mother was telling him campfire stories about the ghost of Bin Laden. I left off with him being told that all was well, and we should hush up our critisicm.
"But mother, I thought we could have free speech. Isn't that what the terrorists hated about us? But we beat them, didn't we mother?"
"We will one day defeat evil my son. Until that day we must all trust to the Lord God above and hope for a brighter day when the nonbelievers are doomed."
"But my teacher told me on Friday that all of us have the same God, and worship him in differant ways, like people climbing a mountain that has many paths but only one summit. If we all have the same God, aren't we all believers? So this war, it is only between people fighting how to climb this mountain, not about which mountain of God is better."
"Wise words son. It is on those wise words that peace may come."
"So why are we fighting people, mother, if we all believe alike?"
The boy's mother hung her head, gazing into the fire. Its flames cackled warmly, invitingly. "I don't know son. Maybe us humans just can't get God's signals right, and keep thinking we know what He said, and are arguing over what the words are, but there is no difference between what is said to us and what is said to them."
The boy thought about it, studying the sparks that snapped above his head. "Then you know what I want to do when I grow up Mommy? I want to tell everyone that we all have the same belief in the same God, and should all learn to listen to what he really says. Doesn't that sound like a good idea mommy?"
"Yes my son. It is a wonderful idea."
Words to bear in mind, all of you out there and about who happen to drop in on me.
Roman Wolf
You know what? Why the heck is it that the conservatives are howling with rage at the idea of Keith Ellison, a Muslim Representative from Minnesota, is going to be allowed to swear in on the Koran? I thought conservatives were supposed to be the ones who believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. When reading the Constitution of the United States of America, just where does it say that those who are being sworn in MUST USE THE BIBLE? Hmm, Hmmm? I have however, read in the First Amendment that Congress shall make no law establishing religion. Saying Representatives of all faiths must use the Bible sounds an AWFUL lot like establishing religion.
I have watched interviews of Keith Ellison on TV. He believes very strongly that his Muslim faith encourages him to treat all people as brothers and sisters, and that nobody in this nation or the world should be abandoned in favor of big money and the power that comes with it. Anyone who doesn't believe that is actually a teaching of Islam should look beyond the terrorists who dominate our nightly news and study what Muhammad really wrote. Treating all people equally and with love is in there, just like the Bible, and I'd be very surprised if anything to the contrary was written in the Tora, or any other religious book. "Religion is love." Anna Stewart wrote in Black Beauty, and if any religious person who believes that wants to go to Congress and act on that belief, I don't really care if they are sworn in on a batch of mom's delicious brownies. Just get them in there. This country needs a few good men and women.
Roman Wolf
I have watched interviews of Keith Ellison on TV. He believes very strongly that his Muslim faith encourages him to treat all people as brothers and sisters, and that nobody in this nation or the world should be abandoned in favor of big money and the power that comes with it. Anyone who doesn't believe that is actually a teaching of Islam should look beyond the terrorists who dominate our nightly news and study what Muhammad really wrote. Treating all people equally and with love is in there, just like the Bible, and I'd be very surprised if anything to the contrary was written in the Tora, or any other religious book. "Religion is love." Anna Stewart wrote in Black Beauty, and if any religious person who believes that wants to go to Congress and act on that belief, I don't really care if they are sworn in on a batch of mom's delicious brownies. Just get them in there. This country needs a few good men and women.
Roman Wolf
Greetings. How do you all do?
So, if the recommendations go into failure, what is left in Iraq will be a power vacuum. Power vacuums are filled by the most powerful force, which right now is looking like either Iran/Syria. So it will go to them, which is the last thing that Bush and the American Government want. So what do we gain/lose by talking with those two? Hard to say.
Now, the pe0ple in those countries would hardly benefit from a mass influx of immigrants, and no country likes to have a lot of really upset people on the loose. So they need to see Iraq stablize one way or another. If America can't they will. That's the mutual interest in Iraq, and when it comes to negotiations, that is a first step.
Secondly, what harm could talking bring? Bush has made it perfectly clear that he is capable of hearing without listening like a parrot, so I doubt he'll just nod and obey what Syria and Iran say.
So I support the negotiations. If all else fails, we can just argue about the size of the table for a year and stall them out.
Roman Wolf
So, if the recommendations go into failure, what is left in Iraq will be a power vacuum. Power vacuums are filled by the most powerful force, which right now is looking like either Iran/Syria. So it will go to them, which is the last thing that Bush and the American Government want. So what do we gain/lose by talking with those two? Hard to say.
Now, the pe0ple in those countries would hardly benefit from a mass influx of immigrants, and no country likes to have a lot of really upset people on the loose. So they need to see Iraq stablize one way or another. If America can't they will. That's the mutual interest in Iraq, and when it comes to negotiations, that is a first step.
Secondly, what harm could talking bring? Bush has made it perfectly clear that he is capable of hearing without listening like a parrot, so I doubt he'll just nod and obey what Syria and Iran say.
So I support the negotiations. If all else fails, we can just argue about the size of the table for a year and stall them out.
Roman Wolf
So I can use Courier now, what a pleasure. Like I mentioned yesterday after upgrading, this is neat stuff. So, shall I get down to business?
There is a challenge at the Supreme Court about the federal government's right to control enviromental issues, specifically those of the air. If this challenge goes through, and the Court aims towards state's rights, what then?
Firstly, what happens if say-Wyoming-has less strict laws than. . . South Dakota. The air from Wyoming would blow into South Dakota, and South Dakota will have to deal with Wyoming's air problems. So then in Washington DC we will have the issue of dueling senators and representatives all over again. That's what happened the last time States rights had a major victory. People had their heads smashed with canes, and a bunch of states decided they had the RIGHT to secede from the Union. Now, I have no wish to pick old scabs, but there is logic behind federal enviromental legislation. No one state is in it all alone, we are UNITED states of America, not a bunch of bickering Colonies. That was left behind with the Articles of Confederation.
Roman Wolf
There is a challenge at the Supreme Court about the federal government's right to control enviromental issues, specifically those of the air. If this challenge goes through, and the Court aims towards state's rights, what then?
Firstly, what happens if say-Wyoming-has less strict laws than. . . South Dakota. The air from Wyoming would blow into South Dakota, and South Dakota will have to deal with Wyoming's air problems. So then in Washington DC we will have the issue of dueling senators and representatives all over again. That's what happened the last time States rights had a major victory. People had their heads smashed with canes, and a bunch of states decided they had the RIGHT to secede from the Union. Now, I have no wish to pick old scabs, but there is logic behind federal enviromental legislation. No one state is in it all alone, we are UNITED states of America, not a bunch of bickering Colonies. That was left behind with the Articles of Confederation.
Roman Wolf
My New Site
What do you Lobolians think? I kinda like the dark blue, but it may not stay that way for long. I enjoy shaking things up a bit, so I may have to change colors every so often after this. Man, this new gig is sweet. I don't have much time anymore, so I'd better clear out.
Roman Wolf
Roman Wolf
Still the Rant
This is my 60th posting here at Blogger.com. Pretty sweet aniversary, by the time I hit 100 who knows where I will be.
Apparently about 60some percent of people don't believe the Democrats know what they will do in Iraq. All they probably knew on Election day was that they were not Republicans and counted on that to be enough. Astonishingly enough, the American voters agreed, and gave them the victory. Well, I doubt this means I have to change the name of my blog. Even without Rummy or a majority of Repubs, there will always be something to critique on Captitol Hill, the Dems won't fail to annoy. You see, I may be liberal, but I am no Democrat. If anything, I'd back the Libertarians, but currently give loyalty to no particular party. Even the Libs. So I guess that makes me the ignorant, undecided, easily swayed, always courted, swing voter. NOT!
I'd best start hoofing it elsewhere. The sun's setting out west somewhere on this great and nurturing Earth.
Lobolius, the Roman Wolf
This is my 60th posting here at Blogger.com. Pretty sweet aniversary, by the time I hit 100 who knows where I will be.
Apparently about 60some percent of people don't believe the Democrats know what they will do in Iraq. All they probably knew on Election day was that they were not Republicans and counted on that to be enough. Astonishingly enough, the American voters agreed, and gave them the victory. Well, I doubt this means I have to change the name of my blog. Even without Rummy or a majority of Repubs, there will always be something to critique on Captitol Hill, the Dems won't fail to annoy. You see, I may be liberal, but I am no Democrat. If anything, I'd back the Libertarians, but currently give loyalty to no particular party. Even the Libs. So I guess that makes me the ignorant, undecided, easily swayed, always courted, swing voter. NOT!
I'd best start hoofing it elsewhere. The sun's setting out west somewhere on this great and nurturing Earth.
Lobolius, the Roman Wolf
Brief Stop.
Hello Lobolians
Can't stay long to chat. I have other buisiness to attend to, but I want to make sure that my new server will publish my posts.
Ta Ta for Now
Roman Wolf
Can't stay long to chat. I have other buisiness to attend to, but I want to make sure that my new server will publish my posts.
Ta Ta for Now
Roman Wolf
Some Bruno Lines and Hope
It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.
Giordano Bruno
It may be you fear more to deliver judgment upon me than I fear judgment.
Giordano Bruno
Time is the father of truth, its mother is our mind.
Those are some quotes from Giordani Bruno, one of my all time heroes for his boldness in stricking out against church docrine preaching the earth was flat. He was put to death for hearsay. Now, I sure hope this is going through, because I have been kept away from you Lobolians for far too long.
Roman Wolf
Giordano Bruno
It may be you fear more to deliver judgment upon me than I fear judgment.
Giordano Bruno
Time is the father of truth, its mother is our mind.
Those are some quotes from Giordani Bruno, one of my all time heroes for his boldness in stricking out against church docrine preaching the earth was flat. He was put to death for hearsay. Now, I sure hope this is going through, because I have been kept away from you Lobolians for far too long.
Roman Wolf
You know, the blame game over nukes has always been a farce. Last time it was China, and the Rosenthals were taken down as commies and executed promptly. This time North Korea has laid hold of nukes, and instead of one united front attacking one monolithic enemy, we have a polarized country where the enemy not only is the terrorists abroad, it is also the politicians at the other end of the aisle. In the midst of this wrangling, one conspicuous enemy has been overlooked: every other president since and including Truman. I mean, why couldn't those presidents do something (and suceed-the Republicans are stringent on this point) before the showdown reached nuclear proportions? Before the Korean war, South Korea was excluded from US defense lines against Communists so North Korea and Russia were emboldened to strike there-and did so. The Acheson Declaration that established that perimeter, the president then-Truman-didn't keep the military at maximum, and so when the Korean War began, the US was underprepared at first. Then McArthur was recalled when he wished to escalate the war because Truman was afraid it would go nuclear. Well, North Korea was allowed to exist, and now its nuclear too. So blame Truman. Or who knows, perhaps we should just blame North Korea for getting its nukes because if you think about it, the US is only imagining it can police an entire world at once.
Roman Wolf
Roman Wolf
The Phone
Hello there.
I am reporting in from the beloved public library, because I needed some books on Greeks. Have you ever wondered what the heck we are all bothering with every day? What would happen if a person were to suddenly do something stupid? Not violent, don't take me that way, but just totally random and kinda stupid. Like walk up to another person on the street, ask them how they were doing, and then ask if they would be willing to give you a ride home? Most would probably take that person as either an idiot or a murder looking for the next victim. Why? Why can't people be united together for friendly chats at random intervals, with random people? Is it a lack of trust? Has the world grown so distant, and permitted us to link up with people further and further way, until we have reached the point where neighbors are irrelevent because there are other people we can talk to at will than the ones within walking distance? Then there is the whole bane of phones. This afternoon I was sitting down, relaxing, enjoying a brief moment of peace when the phone rang. I had no choice but to get up and answer that phone, because somehow the idea of not answering my phone would be socially unexcusable? It was not laziness that made me not want to answer it, I certainly am not lazy, but simply an unwillingness to be at the beck and call of a piece of metal and plastic and whatever the heck else makes up a phoneline. What would have been the point of responding? The world will not suddenly collapse because I didn't pick it up, but my mom would have been unable to talk to me.
Has anyone noticed yet how ironic it is that I'd bring something like this up on my blog?
I have to go now. TTFN, Ta Ta for Now!!=)))))))??
Roman Wolf
I am reporting in from the beloved public library, because I needed some books on Greeks. Have you ever wondered what the heck we are all bothering with every day? What would happen if a person were to suddenly do something stupid? Not violent, don't take me that way, but just totally random and kinda stupid. Like walk up to another person on the street, ask them how they were doing, and then ask if they would be willing to give you a ride home? Most would probably take that person as either an idiot or a murder looking for the next victim. Why? Why can't people be united together for friendly chats at random intervals, with random people? Is it a lack of trust? Has the world grown so distant, and permitted us to link up with people further and further way, until we have reached the point where neighbors are irrelevent because there are other people we can talk to at will than the ones within walking distance? Then there is the whole bane of phones. This afternoon I was sitting down, relaxing, enjoying a brief moment of peace when the phone rang. I had no choice but to get up and answer that phone, because somehow the idea of not answering my phone would be socially unexcusable? It was not laziness that made me not want to answer it, I certainly am not lazy, but simply an unwillingness to be at the beck and call of a piece of metal and plastic and whatever the heck else makes up a phoneline. What would have been the point of responding? The world will not suddenly collapse because I didn't pick it up, but my mom would have been unable to talk to me.
Has anyone noticed yet how ironic it is that I'd bring something like this up on my blog?
I have to go now. TTFN, Ta Ta for Now!!=)))))))??
Roman Wolf
War and Peace (A splendid book too, I recomend it)
How are things going out there?
There was a very interesting report that downplays everything the Republican Regime has been explaining to Americans lately. Apparently Iraq has made the world more dangerous, not less. Hmm. And Bush is meeting with Afghan president Harmid Karzai today, to discuss the situation in that country, which is also fighting off a resurgence of violence. Clearly the military, which had to endure all those horrible years without any war, and face off critics who said it took up too much American tax dollars has overexerted itself. And the world shall suffer for it for years to come. How tragic.
In happier news, I would like to mention something that I covered for the newpaper. Over the weekend of September 16th about 3000 youth from all around the world gathered in Denver to discuss a Global Call to Action. It was for an organization called Peace Jam, led by none other than the top Nobel Peace Prize Laureates from all around. It covered such critical topics as Women's Rights, the Enviroment, and the growing disparity between rich and poor. Not the rich and poor of America, both of whom live better off than the poor of many other countries. Even a ghetto is better than a slum. So at least there are some people dedicated to peace and doing something to reach it.
Roman Wolf
There was a very interesting report that downplays everything the Republican Regime has been explaining to Americans lately. Apparently Iraq has made the world more dangerous, not less. Hmm. And Bush is meeting with Afghan president Harmid Karzai today, to discuss the situation in that country, which is also fighting off a resurgence of violence. Clearly the military, which had to endure all those horrible years without any war, and face off critics who said it took up too much American tax dollars has overexerted itself. And the world shall suffer for it for years to come. How tragic.
In happier news, I would like to mention something that I covered for the newpaper. Over the weekend of September 16th about 3000 youth from all around the world gathered in Denver to discuss a Global Call to Action. It was for an organization called Peace Jam, led by none other than the top Nobel Peace Prize Laureates from all around. It covered such critical topics as Women's Rights, the Enviroment, and the growing disparity between rich and poor. Not the rich and poor of America, both of whom live better off than the poor of many other countries. Even a ghetto is better than a slum. So at least there are some people dedicated to peace and doing something to reach it.
Roman Wolf
Greetings from afar, my Lobolians!
Well, not that afar, since I really don't know how far away the noncommentors are. To let me know, give me a comment, any comment. I don't feel up to any sort of hard knock analysis today, so I will just tell another story, like the one I gave about the little boy and his mother.
The young women stepped off the private jet, glad the trip was over. She had come a long way for this trip, all the way from heaven in fact. "Why did we have to come all the way to Earth when we're all dead Albert?"
"Vell," Said Albert. "I don't really know. But I rather like Earth, it has so many trees. Every time I come here I am glad they have not been blown to bits by a nuclear bomb. No thanks to those warmongers who run everything after all. But perhaps now peace will haff a chance Rosa."
"What makes you say that Al? I'm just a simple recently dead seamstress after all, and I remember thinking that forty years ago. Peace still hasn't come to the world."
Albert paused, thinking over just how long it had been since he'd been alive to think about peace. It seemed to have slipped his mind. "Vell, I know I'm considered to be the smartest human of the last century, but actually it was something this one president has been saying lately. He was talking about all the corners we have been turning lately, and something about light at the end of the tunnel. Now, since Americans elect their leaders, obviously they would elect a smart, intelligent man, and this one did go to Yale."
Rosa shook her head. "Al, he got d's in all his classes, and failed a bunch of them."
Albert laughed. "No matter Rosa, so did I."
"Yeah, you really weren't an Einstein!" Rosa joked, and the two got on the plane laughing and laughing.
That's the way peace really will have a chance. Laugh some today.
Roman Wolf
Well, not that afar, since I really don't know how far away the noncommentors are. To let me know, give me a comment, any comment. I don't feel up to any sort of hard knock analysis today, so I will just tell another story, like the one I gave about the little boy and his mother.
The young women stepped off the private jet, glad the trip was over. She had come a long way for this trip, all the way from heaven in fact. "Why did we have to come all the way to Earth when we're all dead Albert?"
"Vell," Said Albert. "I don't really know. But I rather like Earth, it has so many trees. Every time I come here I am glad they have not been blown to bits by a nuclear bomb. No thanks to those warmongers who run everything after all. But perhaps now peace will haff a chance Rosa."
"What makes you say that Al? I'm just a simple recently dead seamstress after all, and I remember thinking that forty years ago. Peace still hasn't come to the world."
Albert paused, thinking over just how long it had been since he'd been alive to think about peace. It seemed to have slipped his mind. "Vell, I know I'm considered to be the smartest human of the last century, but actually it was something this one president has been saying lately. He was talking about all the corners we have been turning lately, and something about light at the end of the tunnel. Now, since Americans elect their leaders, obviously they would elect a smart, intelligent man, and this one did go to Yale."
Rosa shook her head. "Al, he got d's in all his classes, and failed a bunch of them."
Albert laughed. "No matter Rosa, so did I."
"Yeah, you really weren't an Einstein!" Rosa joked, and the two got on the plane laughing and laughing.
That's the way peace really will have a chance. Laugh some today.
Roman Wolf
the Man w/o a Plumber
I am back at school now, so hopefully the postings will be a little less erratic. So look out all you regular bloggers out there, the wolf is again at your door.
Armitage has just admitted and apologized for leaking Valerie Plame's name to a columnist for the NYT. Shame it took him so long to mention it, it might have saved a lot of less involved people the trouble and bad publicity. Not like I can really feel sorry for Karl Rove, a Vulture like that doesn't deserve much pity, but nobody deserves to be falsely accused. Armitage resigned from his post as Deputy Secretary of State, a postition where he was a top advisor to COLIN POWell. A name that no doubt will be whispered because he was one of the few unsullied names throughout the Bush Regime, nobody will want to dishonor his prestigous memory by the fact that one of his deputies was a leaker. Shame Nixon is dead. He always knew how to find a good plumber. Maybe Bush should learn from his legacy. Oh wait, he has, hasn't he? And improved. No more bothering around with rubber stamp judges, just cast the entire judiciary branch out the oval office window. And the legistative while he's at it. After all, as Bush said, a dictatorship isn't so bad, as long as you are the dictator.
Roman Wolf
I am back at school now, so hopefully the postings will be a little less erratic. So look out all you regular bloggers out there, the wolf is again at your door.
Armitage has just admitted and apologized for leaking Valerie Plame's name to a columnist for the NYT. Shame it took him so long to mention it, it might have saved a lot of less involved people the trouble and bad publicity. Not like I can really feel sorry for Karl Rove, a Vulture like that doesn't deserve much pity, but nobody deserves to be falsely accused. Armitage resigned from his post as Deputy Secretary of State, a postition where he was a top advisor to COLIN POWell. A name that no doubt will be whispered because he was one of the few unsullied names throughout the Bush Regime, nobody will want to dishonor his prestigous memory by the fact that one of his deputies was a leaker. Shame Nixon is dead. He always knew how to find a good plumber. Maybe Bush should learn from his legacy. Oh wait, he has, hasn't he? And improved. No more bothering around with rubber stamp judges, just cast the entire judiciary branch out the oval office window. And the legistative while he's at it. After all, as Bush said, a dictatorship isn't so bad, as long as you are the dictator.
Roman Wolf
Post 51
Aww man, I forgot to mention last night that it was my 50th post. Geez, how these blogs grow up. Didn't I say I'd be back soon? Haven't returned this fast since school let up. 51. Area 51. burned area. Burned log. Hee Hee, ever watch chain reaction? I haven't.
Can't think of anything else to talk about. Blog to ya later.
By the way, will anyone at least try to explain the shifting emoticon?
Roman Wolf
Can't think of anything else to talk about. Blog to ya later.
By the way, will anyone at least try to explain the shifting emoticon?
Roman Wolf
Ahhh. . .The idle days of summer are drawing shut before my blissful eyes. In a matter of weeks I will be slaving furiously over the books, studying till my wearied heart collapses of fatigue, and hanging out with good friends I haven't seen enough of during these last few months. All in all, a fair trade I'd say. Still, I will miss watching Trek 2.0, even though they are changing the time to earlier, I won't have control of the tv at that time slot like I do at 10:00 pm. Anyone who doesn't know that I am a Trekkie obviously hasn't had a good enough look at my profile. I am probably one of the few declared Vulcans on Blogspot. Obviously I really am human, but under the anonomity of the web, I can be any species I want.
That ambiguity of self is the heart and soul of this machine we call the internet. All information can be sought, some might put you on a terror watch list, but it is there. (Especially if you use Yahoo, based off my experiances!!) For those cunning enough to take advantage of that feature, no matter what is out there, they can be safe. After all, predators don't have to ever find out if they are talking to a fifteen year old. That kid could claim to be a twenty year old newbie cop, and the predator would never know the differance and the kid definately won't be in much danger. Places like MySpace really aren't all that dangerous when you look at it in that light. Everyone is safe there, the hunters and the hunted. All it takes is the skill to hide in this new monoworld jungle of ours. Viva la Future!!:))
Whenever I try to make that on my labtop word program, it turns the emoticon into a wall mart smiley face. Anyone who can explain why is welcome to leave a comment.
That ambiguity of self is the heart and soul of this machine we call the internet. All information can be sought, some might put you on a terror watch list, but it is there. (Especially if you use Yahoo, based off my experiances!!) For those cunning enough to take advantage of that feature, no matter what is out there, they can be safe. After all, predators don't have to ever find out if they are talking to a fifteen year old. That kid could claim to be a twenty year old newbie cop, and the predator would never know the differance and the kid definately won't be in much danger. Places like MySpace really aren't all that dangerous when you look at it in that light. Everyone is safe there, the hunters and the hunted. All it takes is the skill to hide in this new monoworld jungle of ours. Viva la Future!!:))
Whenever I try to make that on my labtop word program, it turns the emoticon into a wall mart smiley face. Anyone who can explain why is welcome to leave a comment.
The Bitter Sisters Meet
Greetings from the Library yet again
Well, I now have my hands on Gone With the Wind. In case you are wondering, the main reason why I'm reading a 1037 page book is because I can. Other than that, I don't really have much to talk about today. I simply am here at the library, at a computer, and found myself willing to contact the greater part of this world.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the title of my blog today, though that could possibly have a tie in somewhere within all those pages. The sisters I refer to are the United States and France meeting an agreement on a resolution to end the fighting over in the mideast. Think back, if you would, about three years ago or so. The word French was a swear word, protected from the delicate ears and young minds by such sweet euphomisms as Freedom. Remember? Freedom Fries, Freedom everything. Pardon my freedom, but. . . No french to be heard. Now the old love hate pendelum has swung back not quite to love, but out of hate. That's the place it should be. The United States and France are the two oldest surviving democracies in the world. French writers inspired our founding fathers, French money bought our ticket to freedom. The king who sent soldiers to the Americas against the Brits was destined to die under a guillotine by revolutionaries fighting for democracy. Yet afterwards, relations soured when the young America refused to come to Napolean's aid in Europe because we lacked money, armies and the gusto. (& Conservatives have never liked the French much, they've always perfered the English Speaking Parent Country) So just a little history lesson to consider.
Bye Now
Well, I now have my hands on Gone With the Wind. In case you are wondering, the main reason why I'm reading a 1037 page book is because I can. Other than that, I don't really have much to talk about today. I simply am here at the library, at a computer, and found myself willing to contact the greater part of this world.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the title of my blog today, though that could possibly have a tie in somewhere within all those pages. The sisters I refer to are the United States and France meeting an agreement on a resolution to end the fighting over in the mideast. Think back, if you would, about three years ago or so. The word French was a swear word, protected from the delicate ears and young minds by such sweet euphomisms as Freedom. Remember? Freedom Fries, Freedom everything. Pardon my freedom, but. . . No french to be heard. Now the old love hate pendelum has swung back not quite to love, but out of hate. That's the place it should be. The United States and France are the two oldest surviving democracies in the world. French writers inspired our founding fathers, French money bought our ticket to freedom. The king who sent soldiers to the Americas against the Brits was destined to die under a guillotine by revolutionaries fighting for democracy. Yet afterwards, relations soured when the young America refused to come to Napolean's aid in Europe because we lacked money, armies and the gusto. (& Conservatives have never liked the French much, they've always perfered the English Speaking Parent Country) So just a little history lesson to consider.
Bye Now
Just Calling to Say Hi
Does anybody know where July went? It seems like I just flipped over my calendar and got a clear picture of a thundering statue horsie honoring the pony express. Now all I have is a wide shot of a Ulysses Simpson Grant statue. Now its August, summer's darting past, and soon I will be at school blogging away almost every morning just like last year. Ahh, to not have to bike two miles just to get in touch with you lovely folks who never leave comments or see this blog. Not to imply I don't use the library for its ancient purpose. I have five beauties sitting right next to me, and I have put in a request for two more. "Gone with the Wind" and "All the Kings Men". Every summer I resolve to read one long book, and unfortunately I have been having some difficulty getting ahold of Margaret Mitchell's masterpiece. The lib seems to have lost it. I also couldn't find Howard Fast's Spartucus, which I remembered to seek out today. Oh well. Maybe I'll sniff something out of nonfiction. Or even use Google, like some sort of new aged techie whippersnapper. (Hee Hee)
Ta Ta for now and eternity-you wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roman Wolf
Does anybody know where July went? It seems like I just flipped over my calendar and got a clear picture of a thundering statue horsie honoring the pony express. Now all I have is a wide shot of a Ulysses Simpson Grant statue. Now its August, summer's darting past, and soon I will be at school blogging away almost every morning just like last year. Ahh, to not have to bike two miles just to get in touch with you lovely folks who never leave comments or see this blog. Not to imply I don't use the library for its ancient purpose. I have five beauties sitting right next to me, and I have put in a request for two more. "Gone with the Wind" and "All the Kings Men". Every summer I resolve to read one long book, and unfortunately I have been having some difficulty getting ahold of Margaret Mitchell's masterpiece. The lib seems to have lost it. I also couldn't find Howard Fast's Spartucus, which I remembered to seek out today. Oh well. Maybe I'll sniff something out of nonfiction. Or even use Google, like some sort of new aged techie whippersnapper. (Hee Hee)
Ta Ta for now and eternity-you wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roman Wolf
Hello again, during this off season.
Plenty to write about, for much has changed. I'd like to bring up a topic that I've been covering in my separate pseudo-publication, "Political dialogues", which is a tiny newspaper I've printed off a couple times as a more editorial piece. (By the way, that's the point of this blog, hence the term "rant".)
How could you have guessed, Lebanon!
Can there be a number placed on the number of lives one life is worth? The president's life, in any country, is worth more than the life of one of his or her guards, that's why the secret service and the Swiss guards exist. The life of a mother is worth less, in her eyes, than the life of her children. On the Titanic, women and children were worth more than the lives of men, so at the end they were the ones put onto the lifeboats. In a darker example, those same two groups were worth less than strong healthy men in Nazi death camps. And what about war? Whose life is worth more then-the soldiers or the civilians/possible terrorists? Israel seems to have decided that the death of civilians is a minor issue, compared to the greater good of attacking Hezbollah. The move that provoked this most recent spate of bloodletting was the capture of 2 soldiers held hostage. So two Israeli soldiers are worth more than peace itself. Now, I realize that there has been little peace in the mideast, but there was a vestige of it emerging. Hamas' political wing was growing more powerful, leading to the wild chance that they might act through peace, not war. Regardless of personal opinion on the matter, the war in Iraq has taken out a violent man determined to attack other countries or those outsiders in his own. So there was a moment, not so very long ago, perhaps a few weeks, when the middle east could've had the slightest opening at tranquility. Lebanon's infrastructure was returning with greater splendor than before. Now the only way out is on Greek cruise ships. Maybe Israel needed to prove its strength in a dangerous corner of the Earth, but really, did it have to buy that at such a devastating price?
Plenty to write about, for much has changed. I'd like to bring up a topic that I've been covering in my separate pseudo-publication, "Political dialogues", which is a tiny newspaper I've printed off a couple times as a more editorial piece. (By the way, that's the point of this blog, hence the term "rant".)
How could you have guessed, Lebanon!
Can there be a number placed on the number of lives one life is worth? The president's life, in any country, is worth more than the life of one of his or her guards, that's why the secret service and the Swiss guards exist. The life of a mother is worth less, in her eyes, than the life of her children. On the Titanic, women and children were worth more than the lives of men, so at the end they were the ones put onto the lifeboats. In a darker example, those same two groups were worth less than strong healthy men in Nazi death camps. And what about war? Whose life is worth more then-the soldiers or the civilians/possible terrorists? Israel seems to have decided that the death of civilians is a minor issue, compared to the greater good of attacking Hezbollah. The move that provoked this most recent spate of bloodletting was the capture of 2 soldiers held hostage. So two Israeli soldiers are worth more than peace itself. Now, I realize that there has been little peace in the mideast, but there was a vestige of it emerging. Hamas' political wing was growing more powerful, leading to the wild chance that they might act through peace, not war. Regardless of personal opinion on the matter, the war in Iraq has taken out a violent man determined to attack other countries or those outsiders in his own. So there was a moment, not so very long ago, perhaps a few weeks, when the middle east could've had the slightest opening at tranquility. Lebanon's infrastructure was returning with greater splendor than before. Now the only way out is on Greek cruise ships. Maybe Israel needed to prove its strength in a dangerous corner of the Earth, but really, did it have to buy that at such a devastating price?
July Blog #1
Happy "Belated" Birthday to you
Happy "Belated" Birthday to you
Happy "Belated" Birthday dear America
Happy "Belated" Birthday to YOUUUUUUUUUUU!
No, I did not actually sing that outloud, I am in a library and need to type fast and keep quiet because the only computer I have been able to snag after a half hour is a fifteen minute Expresso. Lots of folks have come here today, hoping to beat the heat in the air conditioned hall of knowledge, but for budgetary reasons the air seems to be off.
Hmmm. What to discuss now that I have reached my dear little Blog?
Somehow the fact that the CIA has shut down the main anti-Bin Laden campaign flew under my radar for a few days, I would have thought that would rank high on the media's attack list, but the move was timed well. Somebody had to come up with the excuses to send an anti-missle top of the line warship to Japan. I mean, who would ever suspect that sort of bizzare, random move, especially after NORTH KOREA now has the nukes. I can't say much for the military's accuracy in these matters.
Three Countries on an Axis of Evil.
One is test launching nukes, not very sucessfully, but still doing it.
Another is developing them.
The third wasn't even going to bother.
So which do our esteemed leaders choose to invade? Country #3. Why, my dear Lobolians, do you ask? Well, lets see here, the others actually had something to take us out with. Iraq was relatively harmless, so the military chose to take the easy one first. Now three years later, we see the price before our eyes.
Everyone be glad Korea's missle was a dud this round. One day one of those fireworks may go off.
Roman Wolf
Happy "Belated" Birthday to you
Happy "Belated" Birthday dear America
Happy "Belated" Birthday to YOUUUUUUUUUUU!
No, I did not actually sing that outloud, I am in a library and need to type fast and keep quiet because the only computer I have been able to snag after a half hour is a fifteen minute Expresso. Lots of folks have come here today, hoping to beat the heat in the air conditioned hall of knowledge, but for budgetary reasons the air seems to be off.
Hmmm. What to discuss now that I have reached my dear little Blog?
Somehow the fact that the CIA has shut down the main anti-Bin Laden campaign flew under my radar for a few days, I would have thought that would rank high on the media's attack list, but the move was timed well. Somebody had to come up with the excuses to send an anti-missle top of the line warship to Japan. I mean, who would ever suspect that sort of bizzare, random move, especially after NORTH KOREA now has the nukes. I can't say much for the military's accuracy in these matters.
Three Countries on an Axis of Evil.
One is test launching nukes, not very sucessfully, but still doing it.
Another is developing them.
The third wasn't even going to bother.
So which do our esteemed leaders choose to invade? Country #3. Why, my dear Lobolians, do you ask? Well, lets see here, the others actually had something to take us out with. Iraq was relatively harmless, so the military chose to take the easy one first. Now three years later, we see the price before our eyes.
Everyone be glad Korea's missle was a dud this round. One day one of those fireworks may go off.
Roman Wolf
The Great American Aqueduct
Again, my sincerest apologies for not contacting you for so long, but alack, the joys of summer are stronger than the bonds of a blog, even one so fine and dear to my heart as this, the Lobolian Rant. I would like to adress a plan I have come up with for resolving the difficulties of two regions of this country, Flood and Fire.
Say we were to build an aqueduct extending across the southern part of the United States from the hurricane ravenged southeast to the draught-plauged southwest. After each hurricane, the excess water could be pumped and channeled down the aqueduct to Arizona, Nevada, California, Western Texas, New Mexico, wherever the lack of rainfall is being felt the hardest. The system could be done easily enough, the Romans managed to build lots of aqueducts back in the day with far fewer resources than what 21st century technology could dredge up. Then whenever a hurricane strikes New Orleans again, which one easily could do, rather than dump the water back into Lake Ponchetrain as the US Army Corps of Engineers usually would do, it would be funneled to aid in drought relief where water is scarce. If the water is simply dumped back into Lake Ponchetrain, it could easily come back when or if the levys breach.
The ROMAN Wolf
Say we were to build an aqueduct extending across the southern part of the United States from the hurricane ravenged southeast to the draught-plauged southwest. After each hurricane, the excess water could be pumped and channeled down the aqueduct to Arizona, Nevada, California, Western Texas, New Mexico, wherever the lack of rainfall is being felt the hardest. The system could be done easily enough, the Romans managed to build lots of aqueducts back in the day with far fewer resources than what 21st century technology could dredge up. Then whenever a hurricane strikes New Orleans again, which one easily could do, rather than dump the water back into Lake Ponchetrain as the US Army Corps of Engineers usually would do, it would be funneled to aid in drought relief where water is scarce. If the water is simply dumped back into Lake Ponchetrain, it could easily come back when or if the levys breach.
The ROMAN Wolf
The Ghost of Henry
Hey People out there (my lobolians!)
Sorry I couldn't blog again sooner, but I had to get to good internet first. I found it here, at the local library after a long quest through busy roads and gorgeous parks.
So back to buisness. I only have a few more minutes.
George Bush was talking today about his efforts to help the Iraqis trust and believe in their government. Look who's talking. This is the man who has acted for six years to destroy the bill of rights, Patrick Henry's gift to the generations, bit by precious bit. Give me liberty or give me death, PH declared, and he refused to support anything that failed to aid the people The PEOPLe of the United States of America. Now a hypocritical president of that very nation, my nation that I love and wish to serve forever, is speaking with PH"s voice while smashing silently. How dare that Bush.
Sorry I couldn't blog again sooner, but I had to get to good internet first. I found it here, at the local library after a long quest through busy roads and gorgeous parks.
So back to buisness. I only have a few more minutes.
George Bush was talking today about his efforts to help the Iraqis trust and believe in their government. Look who's talking. This is the man who has acted for six years to destroy the bill of rights, Patrick Henry's gift to the generations, bit by precious bit. Give me liberty or give me death, PH declared, and he refused to support anything that failed to aid the people The PEOPLe of the United States of America. Now a hypocritical president of that very nation, my nation that I love and wish to serve forever, is speaking with PH"s voice while smashing silently. How dare that Bush.
Death of a Terrorist
Al-Zarqaui's death probably will have relatively little impact on anything, except to lessen the civil war in Iraq, which is fantastic, but beyond that, I doubt it will change much. First of all, he was not too well liked by Osama because he was giving terrorism a bad rap in the Muslim world (Hmm, I wonder how hard THAT is to pull off) after killing fellow Muslims. Sure they may have different ideas of who shouldv'e taken over after Mohammad's death but that was over a thousand years ago. To a westerner, that is eternity. To a Muslim, it might not be, but who cares. Secondly, those who believed in him now have another Martyr on their hands and that the terrorists do believe in, regardless of sect. And if you recall, Saddam's capture was supposed to be a blow to the terrorists as well.
What interests me in all this is that the death came at such a convienient time. Just what us anti-war moderates need. More evidance of divine intervention to the rabid eyes of War Hawks.
Roman Wolf
Al-Zarqaui's death probably will have relatively little impact on anything, except to lessen the civil war in Iraq, which is fantastic, but beyond that, I doubt it will change much. First of all, he was not too well liked by Osama because he was giving terrorism a bad rap in the Muslim world (Hmm, I wonder how hard THAT is to pull off) after killing fellow Muslims. Sure they may have different ideas of who shouldv'e taken over after Mohammad's death but that was over a thousand years ago. To a westerner, that is eternity. To a Muslim, it might not be, but who cares. Secondly, those who believed in him now have another Martyr on their hands and that the terrorists do believe in, regardless of sect. And if you recall, Saddam's capture was supposed to be a blow to the terrorists as well.
What interests me in all this is that the death came at such a convienient time. Just what us anti-war moderates need. More evidance of divine intervention to the rabid eyes of War Hawks.
Roman Wolf
One of these days I'll have to figure out how to delete the extra posts when my publishing goes GAGA.
However, the time has now been corrected. I cannot thing of anything pressing to blog about, but I can't think of anything to google either. So. How about a poem?
People gather together
Talking about what they think
But when one isn't gathered with them,
More thought arises
Quiet lingering has greater aid
Then boisterous gab and grin
It will be one with arrows who claims the world
On the last day of all
The guns would've given them away
In the stake for greatness
Nobody has won with sizzling flame
And routing smoke
One day they won't be so forgotten
Those who lie on the ground
Where their ghosts hover in glory
Drinking it as a mortal would wine
What glory will come to me in the afterlife?
What paths of the dead can I trod
I? Who rejected their own world
Everyone else's world
The good are claimed upon finding the grail
Leaving the cruel to rule this world
The others simply struggle to live on
Outside their bounds
However, the time has now been corrected. I cannot thing of anything pressing to blog about, but I can't think of anything to google either. So. How about a poem?
People gather together
Talking about what they think
But when one isn't gathered with them,
More thought arises
Quiet lingering has greater aid
Then boisterous gab and grin
It will be one with arrows who claims the world
On the last day of all
The guns would've given them away
In the stake for greatness
Nobody has won with sizzling flame
And routing smoke
One day they won't be so forgotten
Those who lie on the ground
Where their ghosts hover in glory
Drinking it as a mortal would wine
What glory will come to me in the afterlife?
What paths of the dead can I trod
I? Who rejected their own world
Everyone else's world
The good are claimed upon finding the grail
Leaving the cruel to rule this world
The others simply struggle to live on
Outside their bounds
One of these days I'll have to figure out how to delete the extra posts when my publishing goes GAGA.
However, the time has now been corrected. I cannot thing of anything pressing to blog about, but I can't think of anything to google either. So. How about a poem?
People gather together
Talking about what they think
But when one isn't gathered with them,
More thought arises
Quiet lingering has greater aid
Then boisterous gab and grin
It will be one with arrows who claims the world
On the last day of all
The guns would've given them away
In the stake for greatness
Nobody has won with sizzling flame
And routing smoke
One day they won't be so forgotten
Those who lie on the ground
Where their ghosts hover in glory
Drinking it as a mortal would wine
What glory will come to me in the afterlife?
What paths of the dead can I trod
I? Who rejected their own world
Everyone else's world
The good are claimed upon finding the grail
Leaving the cruel to rule this world
The others simply struggle to live on
Outside their bounds
However, the time has now been corrected. I cannot thing of anything pressing to blog about, but I can't think of anything to google either. So. How about a poem?
People gather together
Talking about what they think
But when one isn't gathered with them,
More thought arises
Quiet lingering has greater aid
Then boisterous gab and grin
It will be one with arrows who claims the world
On the last day of all
The guns would've given them away
In the stake for greatness
Nobody has won with sizzling flame
And routing smoke
One day they won't be so forgotten
Those who lie on the ground
Where their ghosts hover in glory
Drinking it as a mortal would wine
What glory will come to me in the afterlife?
What paths of the dead can I trod
I? Who rejected their own world
Everyone else's world
The good are claimed upon finding the grail
Leaving the cruel to rule this world
The others simply struggle to live on
Outside their bounds
Duke Picture
Below you can see a picture of my beloved golden retriever, Duke at his favorite place.
Happy Omen day everyone.
Steer clear black cats, broken mirrors, witches, horned men who don't look like perfect gentlemen, demons, dragons, black lagoons, gambling websites, abortion clinics, the white house, Hell (the city), haunted houses, and anywhere else a dark creature of the abyss might linger. Oh I nearly forgot-the mines of Moria. That's a biggie, even if there isn't another Balrog theres still orcs and goblins to deal with.
You might want to avoid -Godlessness:the church of liberalism- as well. If the lady who wrote it writes as stupidly as she talks on the today show, you might not have any brain cells left after the first page. Then you can't read my beloved blog. That would be a tragedy, wouldn't it?
Roman Wolf
Steer clear black cats, broken mirrors, witches, horned men who don't look like perfect gentlemen, demons, dragons, black lagoons, gambling websites, abortion clinics, the white house, Hell (the city), haunted houses, and anywhere else a dark creature of the abyss might linger. Oh I nearly forgot-the mines of Moria. That's a biggie, even if there isn't another Balrog theres still orcs and goblins to deal with.
You might want to avoid -Godlessness:the church of liberalism- as well. If the lady who wrote it writes as stupidly as she talks on the today show, you might not have any brain cells left after the first page. Then you can't read my beloved blog. That would be a tragedy, wouldn't it?
Roman Wolf
The Posture Peedic
Good day to you all. I hear it's 120 at some parts of the country, glad it's not here. More political wrangling in DC over gay marriage, though why the president would choose to rally his ultra conservative base right before an election when republican polls are down is probably beyond ANY analysist. It should be obvious. This is a political move, in a political game, with politics at stake. What more do you expect out of POLIITICians. That's what they are. It's what they do and what we elect them for. Now, what I would like to see is some motions that are more than simple political wrangling. Something noble, elevated, intelligent perhaps. Maybe find a way to negotiate a better imigration policy with Mexico so that more immigrants can come from here to there legally and prevent others from feeling that their only chance is to risk a desert dash under the guns of border patrol. Or perhaps, oh anything would do really, just no more of this piss and posture. It doesn't help the country, and if more people saw through it, it wouldn't even help the votes.
Roman wolf
Roman wolf
Lobolian Rant
Lobolian Rant
According to that web site, I am Gustav Mahler, a fanatical german composer who was so scared of his own work that he went nuts and refused to let anyone hear it? Can you believe that? Well, guess what, it's partly true? Why else would I refuse to reveal my name here? To you, i am Lobolius, the Roman Wolf of the blogosphere. Just kidding. I love to get my ideas out there. That is the true reason. Or is it?
The Aforementioned wolf.
The True Democracy Struggle
All some people have to fight for justice with is stones. Just look at the situation in Chile. Those countries where people are offered other methods sometimes forget about the desperado equality that makes their leisure possible. It is students with rocks and an ideal who hold the power of freedom, not governments racing off to fight wars against shadowy enemies so vague soldiers shoot civilians out of sheer confusion of who is the enemy and who is not. A nine year old girl, mentioning that she believed there would be a bomb could have been helping to harbor terrorists. Now her family is dead, seemingly massacred by marines seeking vengeance for a fallen comrade. Natural, considering that is what war truly is. A primal yearning for revenge, for wrongs to be righted by brute force, as it has always been righted ever since the first human grabbed a stick and threw it at another human being. I hate to believe that's all people are capable of, but since when has the noblest of ideas, or the sickest and most demented of them been enforced and protected by loving each other? Love is inclusive, it would require embracing an enemy, accepting the differances in beliefs. But nobody ever does that, do we? When have you ever run up and hugged the bully? Who would kiss the leper at school, or even give them a smile at lunch or move over and offer them a place to sit. And that 's all that's required. I know from firsthand experiance that even that little thing would have been tremendous for me. But it wasn't ever going to happen, because in the end, humans are nothing but divisive little monkeys trying to guard their precious fruit. One day, perhaps, things will change. But that day is too far in the future to be seen in my lifetime, and I am too young to remember any president before Clinton. Try to make it happen sooner than that folks. That's all I have to say for myself on this day.
Roman Wolf
Roman Wolf
A Riddle for Friday
What do valleys, barrels, sheep, and hammers have in common?
Anyone who answers this question gets a Wolf Point, valid for whatever game offers you can find on this blog.
Roman Wolf
Anyone who answers this question gets a Wolf Point, valid for whatever game offers you can find on this blog.
Roman Wolf
A Menagerie of Events
There is good news in the animal world today and contrary to normalcy I want to chat about something happy. Maybe its the skirt I'm wearing. Ha ha
The Penguins of the New Orleans zoo have come home today, just in time for the new hurricane season. They have spent the last few months over in San Francisco. If I were the penguins I probably would have wanted to stay in San Francisco. But now the nineteen birds and two sea lions are home sweet home. Congratulations.
Barbaro is doing nicely, though he still has a fifty-fifty chance of survival. If he does make it, he'll never race again, but word has it he'll get some nice mares as a consolation prize. I wish that horse the best of luck and a speedy recovery. Any horse that wins the Kentucky Derby by several lengths as he did deserves better than a broken leg to start off the Preakness.
That's all the animal stories for today folks. Don't break any legs and steer clear the hurricanes.
Roman WOLF
The Penguins of the New Orleans zoo have come home today, just in time for the new hurricane season. They have spent the last few months over in San Francisco. If I were the penguins I probably would have wanted to stay in San Francisco. But now the nineteen birds and two sea lions are home sweet home. Congratulations.
Barbaro is doing nicely, though he still has a fifty-fifty chance of survival. If he does make it, he'll never race again, but word has it he'll get some nice mares as a consolation prize. I wish that horse the best of luck and a speedy recovery. Any horse that wins the Kentucky Derby by several lengths as he did deserves better than a broken leg to start off the Preakness.
That's all the animal stories for today folks. Don't break any legs and steer clear the hurricanes.
Roman WOLF
Hey Folks
Hope you haven't been spied on or arrested lately. If I don't start getting more comments I might start to wonder (ha ha). Micheal Hayden's nomination is being met with some criticism I see. Sucks for him, but that's what happens when you want to be CIA director after running mass spy operations on innocent citizens. I don't really care that they are just monitering to see who calls who, that's none of their buisness. Employers can read any e-mail they want in hopes of nabbing some sort of sexual harassment, cities post cameras to watch cars run through red lights. The problem with that is there's no way to know who was driving, so the owner is automatically proven guilty. There's no point to that! Why don't we simply charge the cars with running red lights? Stranger things have happened in the world.
Roman Wolf
Hope you haven't been spied on or arrested lately. If I don't start getting more comments I might start to wonder (ha ha). Micheal Hayden's nomination is being met with some criticism I see. Sucks for him, but that's what happens when you want to be CIA director after running mass spy operations on innocent citizens. I don't really care that they are just monitering to see who calls who, that's none of their buisness. Employers can read any e-mail they want in hopes of nabbing some sort of sexual harassment, cities post cameras to watch cars run through red lights. The problem with that is there's no way to know who was driving, so the owner is automatically proven guilty. There's no point to that! Why don't we simply charge the cars with running red lights? Stranger things have happened in the world.
Roman Wolf
A brief discourse
Though less brief than the previous, I assure you.
Will the world end in fire or in ice? Discussion of the end of the world seems to be peaking lately. Will Armageddon happen? I am not a Christian, or any other organized religion, nor a cultist, unless you count libertarian. They (Christians) say there will be seven years of plague. Famine, death, and the AntiChrist. There's also an obscure reference to blooming deserts and an Jewish state in the Holy Land. Now, the anti-Christ is hardly anything to look at for a sign of Armageddon, if he arrived when the Church thought he would every single time the world never would have gotten past Emperor Nero of Rome. Famines and mass death happens, and has happened before, so the horrid conditions in Africa are hardly solid proof. Death, well, that is simply an offshoot of plague, famine and war, all three of which are present in abundance right now. Only a hundred or so humans have died, out of a total of approximately 6 billion on Earth, but this is just year one. Who knows, maybe it will wipe out a quarter or so of the Earth's population, no bible reference I can think of specifies Homo Sapiens, but I am neither Bible Scholar or Christian, as I have stated before. That brings us to plague, there are a couple options here. AIDS or Bird Flu. Bird Flu I rule out, otherwise Armageddon would have occurred in WWI. Maybe it did. Enough people died there for it to have been the end of the world for millions. And there shouldn't be a war involved. There weren't any arrows in the AntiChrist's bow. At least I think it was the antiChrist's bow. The Jewish state and blooming deserts, well, they go hand in hand because Israel is the country trying to spark life in the desert. Either way, not being a believer in the MonoGod I am either doomed to roast in hell or my belief in other things will lead me to that end which is fitting for my beliefs. That is what I think happens after death. Whatever you want. That's why so few people get that on Earth, because if they do the Afterlife would be a very repetitious place.
See you there
Will the world end in fire or in ice? Discussion of the end of the world seems to be peaking lately. Will Armageddon happen? I am not a Christian, or any other organized religion, nor a cultist, unless you count libertarian. They (Christians) say there will be seven years of plague. Famine, death, and the AntiChrist. There's also an obscure reference to blooming deserts and an Jewish state in the Holy Land. Now, the anti-Christ is hardly anything to look at for a sign of Armageddon, if he arrived when the Church thought he would every single time the world never would have gotten past Emperor Nero of Rome. Famines and mass death happens, and has happened before, so the horrid conditions in Africa are hardly solid proof. Death, well, that is simply an offshoot of plague, famine and war, all three of which are present in abundance right now. Only a hundred or so humans have died, out of a total of approximately 6 billion on Earth, but this is just year one. Who knows, maybe it will wipe out a quarter or so of the Earth's population, no bible reference I can think of specifies Homo Sapiens, but I am neither Bible Scholar or Christian, as I have stated before. That brings us to plague, there are a couple options here. AIDS or Bird Flu. Bird Flu I rule out, otherwise Armageddon would have occurred in WWI. Maybe it did. Enough people died there for it to have been the end of the world for millions. And there shouldn't be a war involved. There weren't any arrows in the AntiChrist's bow. At least I think it was the antiChrist's bow. The Jewish state and blooming deserts, well, they go hand in hand because Israel is the country trying to spark life in the desert. Either way, not being a believer in the MonoGod I am either doomed to roast in hell or my belief in other things will lead me to that end which is fitting for my beliefs. That is what I think happens after death. Whatever you want. That's why so few people get that on Earth, because if they do the Afterlife would be a very repetitious place.
See you there
Flaming Pen/2/diem
Twice in one day. You nonexistant frequent readers are lucky. If you happen to exist, please leave a comment now, so I can keep track of my membership. I wish to move on in my conversation from earlier today with another topic I wished to discuss on this twelve of May. What do you think of pizza? No, just joking. Are Americans so accostumed to living in a fairly safe and luxuriant society where there are no massive famines or truly great risk of dying of starvation day in and day out that we have decided not to fight for what is our own anymore? Can the awestricking possiblilities Emerson and Thoreau spoke of when they talked about a budding nation, concieved not in the old European mold but in a fresh one, the child of wilderness and liberty still be in store for us today? Or is all of that just a bunch of rambling from some guys nobody can understand anymore and therefore not worth our time? I disagree. The idea of Thoreau, his idea of a government where even the malcontents could be free to think and act on their own in keeping with the structures of civilization cannot and must never become an outdated idea of some garbled thinker by a pond. Did any of you even know that he went to jail rather than pay taxes to a government that acted on a preemtive strike for more land and to suit the greedy desires of buisnessmen? Did you know that part of the reason behind the acquision of Texas and the war America started with Mexico was so that the railroads wouldn't have to waste time and money burrowing through a mountain? Now all of that was for nothing, it seems. 7% in a recent poll said that we should just sell the southwest back to Mexico so we don't have to deal with their immigrants. That won't solve anything! Get at the root when you want to take out a stump, a weed! Dig it out of the ground, toss it aside, spray it, but don't just wall off the entire garden because of some unwanted things! That is all we ever seem to do in this country where once ideals of liberty and justice for all were planted in the soil where people like my ancestors dug and plowed, and millions came by the hideous storage of boats just to have a chance! A chance. That is what every immigrant who struggles to come to this country throughout it's history has wanted, nothing more, nothing less. Shame on all who would deny people that chance and would wall it off in the name of whoever you want. Border Security! Ha, I spit on that convienient excuse. What terrorist of 9/11 snuck across the dangerous border of Mexico, where so many people have died trying to make it to America? What terrorist even would? Lot of good your bones will be doing in some jihad if the buzzards are picking at them. So what are those people in power afraid of, with these people coming across the border? What has any nativist been afraid of throughout America's history? In the 1920's it was communists, the Red Scare, Sacco and Vanzetti. Now it is terrorists. Even that was not a threat to the average American, just the powerful buisness owners who feared worker's rights would ruin their profit margin, so anyone who stood up for them was a godless commie. Today, what danger do immigrants wanting a job pose to me, the average American? When they stand before my work, gun in hand, ready to shoot me over a paycheck, there is a danger, but I insist-IT HASN"T HAPPENED! So what do they fear, those who would attack anyone differant? A piece of themselves, the unknown element of desperation they hope they and their families never have to face.
Roman Wolf
Roman Wolf
I hope all of you out there are not AT&T Bell South or Verizon customers, because the government once more has records of your phone calls just before a major nomination. Has anyone else noticed a pattern in this? Supreme Court Justices, and now the CIA director, all nominated just before a leak so they can be questioned hard about them. Hm. Fascinating coincidence, isn't it? Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but I am a bipartisian one because I will accuse both sides Pro and Anti Bush of the same thing. This is truly a time of conspiracies. I agree with this one bumper sticker I saw the other day, "Bring Back Monica Lewinski". At least the lies there didn't lead to anyone innocent's private information being given out, if you want to have sex with some intern Mr. President, go right ahead, but don't rape and don't violate my constitutional rights.
Have you ever read the constitution? I have, and especially the bill of rights among other amendments. Read them please, and after you finsh 1984 move on to Animal Farm, and pay close attention to their bill of rights, and what happens when the animals are too ignorant to read what they were promised.
Best of Luck to You all, and the Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan too. You need it.
Roman Wolf
I hope all of you out there are not AT&T Bell South or Verizon customers, because the government once more has records of your phone calls just before a major nomination. Has anyone else noticed a pattern in this? Supreme Court Justices, and now the CIA director, all nominated just before a leak so they can be questioned hard about them. Hm. Fascinating coincidence, isn't it? Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but I am a bipartisian one because I will accuse both sides Pro and Anti Bush of the same thing. This is truly a time of conspiracies. I agree with this one bumper sticker I saw the other day, "Bring Back Monica Lewinski". At least the lies there didn't lead to anyone innocent's private information being given out, if you want to have sex with some intern Mr. President, go right ahead, but don't rape and don't violate my constitutional rights.
Have you ever read the constitution? I have, and especially the bill of rights among other amendments. Read them please, and after you finsh 1984 move on to Animal Farm, and pay close attention to their bill of rights, and what happens when the animals are too ignorant to read what they were promised.
Best of Luck to You all, and the Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan too. You need it.
Roman Wolf
The Politically Sniffing Wolf Returns to You All
Today I return to discussing politics. Have you nameless commentless Lobolians missed that esteemed subject? Putin called the United States a wolf the other day. In my world, that is a complement, there it is an insult. "Comrade Wolf" he said. Was that what they were called when he was growing up in the Soviet Union? Anyway, he felt that America shouldn't be using his domestic policy against him when deciding if he should join the world trade organization, as some Senators visiting Moscow apparently threatened to do. Now, if Putin were intelligent he would know that American Senators lie a lot. Quite likely they were lying then, because it is in their nature. Especially Republicans seemed to have formed a habit of lying like crazy to cover things up and dishing out empty threats. Now, maybe all powerful politicians do that. Even the John Adams presidency got the power bug, and they were smart enough to make the Sedition Act end before the other party, the Anti-Federalists of Jefferson, seized political power by the ballot. He did, and democracy survived yet another century. Now that was over two hundred years ago. Who has placed a permanent limit on the current threats, not just the Patriot Act, but the root cause of the fears which are leading this country into a deep pit of viciousness and dislike? The odd thing about this war is that it is so Orwellianly perfect from a power hungry person's point of view. How can one defeat their enemy, when their enemy is fear? That will ironically keep the people fearful forever, because very few things breed more fear than war. Read George Orwell's 1984, please. That will inform you far more eloquently than one lone wolf on a public computer.
Roman Wolf
Roman Wolf
Hello out there good folks. I apologize for the ferocity of my last blog, I was having a horrid morning and wanted to expel my inner demons and chose to chuck them out at my blog. The title is Lobolian Rant after all. So, I am just over here because the crazy life I lead has left me at a dead end for yet another morning. I've been trying to get at this one book that I'm going to review but it hasn't shown up yet. Oh well. I hope things are better out in the world, or if they're not, keep trying to make them better, okay folks? That's all I have to say for this am.
TTFN, Ta Ta for Now!
(Remind you of a certain bouncy black and orange character from our collective disneyfied childhood?)
TTFN, Ta Ta for Now!
(Remind you of a certain bouncy black and orange character from our collective disneyfied childhood?)
Oddiest of them All
Do not be alarmed by the strangeness of this blog. Many things in life are strange. I am trying to make them stranger.
There are only 206 bones in the human body.
Roman Wolf
Do not be alarmed by the strangeness of this blog. Many things in life are strange. I am trying to make them stranger.
There are only 206 bones in the human body.
Roman Wolf
A Brief, non Greek Dialouge
So. Moussaoui has been sentanced to life in prison. Kalid Sheik Mohammad sits, very much alive, in jail as well. How awesome. The only one who has been charged for a few thousand deaths was the bumbling fool who didn't even understand the laws of gravity. Not even the simple one that states what goes up must come down. The reason he was caught was that a flight school in Eagan got suspicious of a man who wanted to learn how to fly a plane, but not how to land. What was he thinking, that the teachers would believe that Allah would grace him with the power to land a plane on command? Clearly, being a terrorist conventional wisdom would tell us he couldn't think, that he was simply a killer without conscious or mind. I think the opposite. The terrorists have to have some degree of cunning, or else we'd have caught them by now. Of course, that also assumes that military intelligance is something other than a folk tale told to reassure little kids by the campfire.
"But never fear. The ghost of Old Bin Laden cannot strike while the mighty Texans roam the hills of Iraq."
"But mommy, I thought Bin Laden wasn't IN Iraq"
"Don't talk like that my son. The soldiers need our help."
"To do what mommy?"
"Don't ask me what I cannot know. Do you want me to tell the story of Pecos Bill again?"
"Yes mommy. I'd like that very much."
"But never fear. The ghost of Old Bin Laden cannot strike while the mighty Texans roam the hills of Iraq."
"But mommy, I thought Bin Laden wasn't IN Iraq"
"Don't talk like that my son. The soldiers need our help."
"To do what mommy?"
"Don't ask me what I cannot know. Do you want me to tell the story of Pecos Bill again?"
"Yes mommy. I'd like that very much."
Okay, the other one from this day was simply a test to see if the dratted thing will publish. I lost a blog yesterday, luckily it was a sickly little thing and not much credit to Lobolian Rant. But still, it was my blog which I spent a whole five minutes on and it deserved better than to die in a technical malfunction.
Oh Yea which die so sadly
A miserable little rag dirty and soiled
Have you no feelings, no love
For that which cannot be yours?
There are some in this world
For whom there can be no friendship
Nothing of the emotions
Blazing in the hearts of humans
Eternally beautiful, ever aggravating
Are there not some who would whisper
Hateful slander, malicious anxiety
Windswept plains glow in sunlight
Mania cannot approach
The nearest thing to knowledge
Farthest things from joy
Though that is what I'm given
To dance away the night
That is a poem I just wrote, obviously. By the way, in addition to being a freelance astrogator I happen to be a poet. Bitsy Run is hardly a classy poem, but that's not the one I wrote today, skim down if you want to read it.
Have you skimmed down?
Ta Ta For now
Roman Wolf
Oh Yea which die so sadly
A miserable little rag dirty and soiled
Have you no feelings, no love
For that which cannot be yours?
There are some in this world
For whom there can be no friendship
Nothing of the emotions
Blazing in the hearts of humans
Eternally beautiful, ever aggravating
Are there not some who would whisper
Hateful slander, malicious anxiety
Windswept plains glow in sunlight
Mania cannot approach
The nearest thing to knowledge
Farthest things from joy
Though that is what I'm given
To dance away the night
That is a poem I just wrote, obviously. By the way, in addition to being a freelance astrogator I happen to be a poet. Bitsy Run is hardly a classy poem, but that's not the one I wrote today, skim down if you want to read it.
Have you skimmed down?
Ta Ta For now
Roman Wolf
Greetings this spring
Greetings once more my pals. it is a gorgeous spring day, get outside and enjoy it. I won't be. Because I have to work away my glorious spring day, yippee day OOOOOHHHHH! Yeah.
I really don't have anything to talk about. The Epic Hero by Miller. I'm in a library right now so I'll write whatever I can think of about that book. It is about Epic Heroes.
Oh I give up on this today. I have places to wander, planets to explore, buddies to visit. And I am refusing to write about G_A_S_O_L_I_N_E P_R_I_C_E_S
There's been WAY too much focus on that. So I refuse to add to the chatter.
Adios Amigos
(No translations today)
I really don't have anything to talk about. The Epic Hero by Miller. I'm in a library right now so I'll write whatever I can think of about that book. It is about Epic Heroes.
Oh I give up on this today. I have places to wander, planets to explore, buddies to visit. And I am refusing to write about G_A_S_O_L_I_N_E P_R_I_C_E_S
There's been WAY too much focus on that. So I refuse to add to the chatter.
Adios Amigos
(No translations today)
Greetings this spring
Greetings once more my pals. it is a gorgeous spring day, get outside and enjoy it. I won't be. Because I have to work away my glorious spring day, yippee day OOOOOHHHHH! Yeah.
I really don't have anything to talk about. The Epic Hero by Miller. I'm in a library right now so I'll write whatever I can think of about that book. It is about Epic Heroes.
Oh I give up on this today. I have places to wander, planets to explore, buddies to visit. And I am refusing to write about G_A_S_O_L_I_N_E P_R_I_C_E_S
There's been WAY too much focus on that. So I refuse to add to the chatter.
Adios Amigos
(No translations today)
I really don't have anything to talk about. The Epic Hero by Miller. I'm in a library right now so I'll write whatever I can think of about that book. It is about Epic Heroes.
Oh I give up on this today. I have places to wander, planets to explore, buddies to visit. And I am refusing to write about G_A_S_O_L_I_N_E P_R_I_C_E_S
There's been WAY too much focus on that. So I refuse to add to the chatter.
Adios Amigos
(No translations today)
Greetings once more my pals. it is a gorgeous spring day, get outside and enjoy it. I won't be. Because I have to work away my glorious spring day, yippee day OOOOOHHHHH! Yeah.
I really don't have anything to talk about. The Epic Hero by Miller. I'm in a library right now so I'll write whatever I can think of about that book. It is about Epic Heroes.
Oh I give up on this today. I have places to wander, planets to explore, buddies to visit. And I am refusing to write about G_A_S_O_L_I_N_E P_R_I_C_E_S
There's been WAY too much focus on that. So I refuse to add to the chatter.
Adios Amigos
(No translations today)
I really don't have anything to talk about. The Epic Hero by Miller. I'm in a library right now so I'll write whatever I can think of about that book. It is about Epic Heroes.
Oh I give up on this today. I have places to wander, planets to explore, buddies to visit. And I am refusing to write about G_A_S_O_L_I_N_E P_R_I_C_E_S
There's been WAY too much focus on that. So I refuse to add to the chatter.
Adios Amigos
(No translations today)
A tale of two Countries
As I was reading BBC news this morning, I came across an article explaining how Russian President Vladimir Putin had decided to support moving an oil pipeline away from lake Baikal, the largest freshwater lake in the world and home to many rare and endangered species such as the Amur Leopard. I didn't even know there were leopards in Siberia. Tigers, certainly, but not leopards. Then on American news, the fact that George W. Bush planned to ease oil prices by impeding his old adversary, enviromental protection. What sort of world is this? Anyone who wants to know my plan for saving gas money can just skim down to the next blog and read it. That would be a much better idea than destroying the enviroment just so some people can save a few extra bucks. I am young enough that I don't want to be develping asthma or something by thirty because the stupid anti-enviromentalists want to have a cheap SUV. It won't save anything whatsoever. All that will happen is that the air will be smoggier, gas will still be rising in price-China's not going anywhere-and the oil companies get just what they've always wanted. Free rein to destroy our world. Somebody, please, write to your senators. I plan on doing just that, it takes more than a blog to protect the only planet we'll have in the foreseeable future.
It's a MAd Wolrdkljs
Has the world gone mad under our noses? The United States is fighting a war on fear, Japan and South Korea are at daggers again over a bunch of uninhabited rocks, and to top off the madness GAS IS OVER THREE DOLLARS A GALLON! Okay, face it people, in light of Iranian nukes, what's a few bucks at the pump? Mind, I confess to biking more than driving but that's no large sacrifice. Americans need to lose some weight. It's a fact. There should be a new reality show, biggest loser, Bikefest to work each day. Save the bucks, lose the pounds. Piece of cake. Pun intended.
Roman Wolf
Roman Wolf
The hypocrisy is killing me
How hilarious. The President of the United States brags about our freedom of speech while a legit member of the press gets arrested for shouting out how the Chinese government is persecuting a religious group which I cannot spell with any sort of dignity. What happened to the thing I've been told about all these years, that America is a free country where you can say whatever you want to the President of the United States and not get killed for it? I guess you don't get killed, but nobody ever says anything about not being sent to Belarus and killed there.
Good bye from a disgruntled Roman Wolf
Good bye from a disgruntled Roman Wolf
Return of the Native Blogger
Sorry to have taken so long, I've been experiancing slight technical difficulties on this end for the last few days. About my idea, well, I've already explained it in the best detail I can. But can people truly influence government at the national level? The ideal democracy, according to the Greeks who invented it, consists of about 100,000 people. The United States has far more than that. Of course, they were referring to a true democracy, not a republic like the USA, so that doesn't matter as much.
Or does it? So many people say that there vote doesn't matter, that with so many ideas floating around, no politician can possibly serve their needs, or that there simply isn't such a thing as American. Now the impossibility of being an American, a true American, not just a citizen or a member of some action group, or an apathetic person who is sick and tired of hearing about politics. Some of those probably wish that I would start rambling about my sore throat or something. Too bad. I won't. But I do have a sore throat and think I will leave off for today. Ta for now.
Roman Wolf
Or does it? So many people say that there vote doesn't matter, that with so many ideas floating around, no politician can possibly serve their needs, or that there simply isn't such a thing as American. Now the impossibility of being an American, a true American, not just a citizen or a member of some action group, or an apathetic person who is sick and tired of hearing about politics. Some of those probably wish that I would start rambling about my sore throat or something. Too bad. I won't. But I do have a sore throat and think I will leave off for today. Ta for now.
Roman Wolf
Well, what can I say? I don't want to talk about the Media today, and I'm sorry about not doing it on Tuesday but life is like that. I had an idea this morning as I was making my sandwitch and trying to ignore my golden's buttery brown eyes that stared me down and chanted silently, "Give me food. Give me food." Then, as I often do early in the morning, I started thinking about politics, and what the citizen can do about them. This citizen often does little more than rant under a Roman Wolf alias and explain political theory to a canus familiaris but one day no doubt I'll be doing a lot more, and under my real name at that. As I was going to say before going off on a tangent, I had an idea to try and make government more under citizen's control, or at least reason's. Say there was a commision, not composed of equal number of Democrats and Republicans but of the lesser political parties who have far less say in the elected government and composed a silent and often disgruntled minority. That commision would serve as a check on all three branches of government, writing regular reports on the performance of all three that could be acessed by the general public. This would serve to correct certain disparities of American government.
Firstly, many people feel that the third parties are worthless, and hesitate to vote for them for fear that it would be "Throwing away their votes". This might show those people that the third parties can act, and would, if given the chance. In the long run, it may even increase the number of powerful political parties on the spectrum at a time when neither party seems to be worth voting for. John Kerry was not a very good candidate for president in 04, he simply was somebody other than Bush. If there were more dominant parties, there would be more viable options for president.
Secondly, many Americans feel out of touch with politics, and this could be a chance for them to feel something is being done at the higher levels.
Thirdly, with only minorities, party loyalty and subsequent covering for their friends could be eliminated. Anyone who thinks that this isn't a problem should google Scooter Libby and remember that Bush once swore that people who leaked information should be punished. Then the punishment stopped before Cheney, and far below himself.
If you like this idea, please, please leave me a comment. I am always open to discussion.
Roman Wolf
Firstly, many people feel that the third parties are worthless, and hesitate to vote for them for fear that it would be "Throwing away their votes". This might show those people that the third parties can act, and would, if given the chance. In the long run, it may even increase the number of powerful political parties on the spectrum at a time when neither party seems to be worth voting for. John Kerry was not a very good candidate for president in 04, he simply was somebody other than Bush. If there were more dominant parties, there would be more viable options for president.
Secondly, many Americans feel out of touch with politics, and this could be a chance for them to feel something is being done at the higher levels.
Thirdly, with only minorities, party loyalty and subsequent covering for their friends could be eliminated. Anyone who thinks that this isn't a problem should google Scooter Libby and remember that Bush once swore that people who leaked information should be punished. Then the punishment stopped before Cheney, and far below himself.
If you like this idea, please, please leave me a comment. I am always open to discussion.
Roman Wolf
newspapers, part one of a two part series
Hello Again, whatever folks happen to read this. Few people do, which makes me insignificant. Why, Whoeveryouare asks, are you starting a blog with such self-absorbed pity? There are many blogs for me to read, blogs of Note and Importance and Circumstance! How can I find time to read the blog of some Roman Wolf?
(There's a moral here soon, let me assure you)
Well, that's the situation newspapers are in. People want to read things that seem worth their while, so to find things worth their while reporters have to track down stories that will sell the paper. Whatever sells the paper makes up the contemporary definition of good journalism. Low key as I am, even I have faced that. Seems nobody cares about the Bandy World Cup, although the TV News picked up and carried that story instead of me because the paper didn't bother publishing it. That's the one that gets to me.
Then we come to another aspect of media. Reporters are portrayed in movies as snobby, nosy fools who interfere with people for no good reason. There is always a good reason. But this is Monday and I will cover that tomorrow, I promise. Don't fret, I'll Be BAck.
(There's a moral here soon, let me assure you)
Well, that's the situation newspapers are in. People want to read things that seem worth their while, so to find things worth their while reporters have to track down stories that will sell the paper. Whatever sells the paper makes up the contemporary definition of good journalism. Low key as I am, even I have faced that. Seems nobody cares about the Bandy World Cup, although the TV News picked up and carried that story instead of me because the paper didn't bother publishing it. That's the one that gets to me.
Then we come to another aspect of media. Reporters are portrayed in movies as snobby, nosy fools who interfere with people for no good reason. There is always a good reason. But this is Monday and I will cover that tomorrow, I promise. Don't fret, I'll Be BAck.
A bitsy Poem, Bitsy Poem
last day of March folks. Hope everyone out there enjoyed it.
People Run People Run
Where can Where can
People Go?
When they run When they run
There is nowhere there is nowhere
To Run To Run
Fly fast now, fly fast now
Run Away Run Away
Before, Before
It is done, it is done
Tingling Bells, tingling bells
A theif in the chimney yells
Vonnegut, Vonnegut.
There in Timequake, there in Timequake
Do You know, do you know?
Of that book, of that book?
I do, I do
Roman Wolk checking out, checking out
People Run People Run
Where can Where can
People Go?
When they run When they run
There is nowhere there is nowhere
To Run To Run
Fly fast now, fly fast now
Run Away Run Away
Before, Before
It is done, it is done
Tingling Bells, tingling bells
A theif in the chimney yells
Vonnegut, Vonnegut.
There in Timequake, there in Timequake
Do You know, do you know?
Of that book, of that book?
I do, I do
Roman Wolk checking out, checking out
The Roman wolf is back. Has anyone out there arrived to miss me over the last week? Sorry I didn't get back to the empty world on Iraq, but this dialup connection I am using today isn't going to allow much talk. I can't even see what I am writing it's so slow. Oh, well that's AOL for you. I hate AOL. It doesn't even work half the time and when it does work it's too SLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! Deep baritone voice, like a dying robot, the anguished blogger bemoans her cursed fate, (And curSAID would be the poetic pronunciation here) as Lobolius desperately seeks to connect with somebody, somewhere via this great web of people strung out across a barren, desolate world. Okay, enough poetics. I'll just have to wait until i go back to school and use the computers there. Ta Ta for now!
The Roman Wolf
The Roman Wolf
So, the three year anniversary. Need I say of what? I hope not. War is inevitable and there is no force capable of stopping it. The military, like all organisms growing and seeking to advance itself in government must feed and nurish itself, in this case on human blood. The fact is, there was no Al Quida in Iraq until we came in there, there were schools in Iraq until we came there. So those schools we keep hearing about, those roads, we're simply rebuilding the ones we smashed to bits three years ago! Three years it has taken to rebuild what the army has destroyed. And it will take much longer than that to remove the terrorists we have drawn into Iraq. I have to head to class, so, more on this tommarrow. I WILL get around to my Vietnam point ASAP, but there's this student-county government experiance I signed up for.
So, the three year anniversary. Need I say of what? I hope not. War is inevitable and there is no force capable of stopping it. The military, like all organisms growing and seeking to advance itself in government must feed and nurish itself, in this case on human blood. The fact is, there was no Al Quida in Iraq until we came in there, there were schools in Iraq until we came there. So those schools we keep hearing about, those roads, we're simply rebuilding the ones we smashed to bits three years ago! Three years it has taken to rebuild what the army has destroyed. And it will take much longer than that to remove the terrorists we have drawn into Iraq. I have to head to class, so, more on this tommarrow. I WILL get around to my Vietnam point ASAP, but there's this student-county government experiance I signed up for.
The Dubai Port-Deal or Misdeal?
Nothing too serious today, a banged up elbow from shoveling doesn't suit itsself too nicely to thinking politics. Speaking of Politics-had you going there for a sec, didn't I??? Actually, on Tuesday I'm going to some Boys/Girls County thing, so that's all the politics I wanted to mention. You actually thought I might start talking serious, like I don't know the Dubai port deal or something along those lines. Because just this once, I won't. I enjoy shaking the world up. A lot.
In my part of the country, we're having a regular battle between winter and spring. Last week it hit fifty degrees, which may not sound like much to a southerner but in good old Many-Snow-ta that's quite warm for March. Now we have almost a foot of snow, and more coming tonight. Amazing, isn't it, how all things in the world seem to be lining up. Good vrs. evil and nobody can give the exact same answers as to what is good and what is bad. In the Chronicals of Narnia, the one where the kids return to help Prince Caspian, that's the title by the way Lucy asks, "What would happen if we could no longer know which bears are talking bears and which are the dumb brutes?" That's what I think of when I see the Democrats and the Republicans battling it out in Congress. Both blindly follow party line on the key issues, refusing to see the third option. If there even is a third option. There has to be. The trouble is, our precious English language doesn't offer much other than good or evil. In another book I read once there were three sides to that battle, Good Evil and Valor. Valor switched sides all the time, sometimes good, sometimes evil. We need more Valor in Congress. Hooray for those few independent minded Congressmen and women who are willing to crack the monolithic party gates, keep up the good work. And the valorous work too.
Bush's inability to talk straight
What was Bush talking about on that last speech? At one point he said, "They {insurgents} attacked the Golden Mosque because they are not strong enough to face the colition and Iraq army {I can't be sure that this is word for word, but the gist is there} and they seek to create a civil war." How can insurgents want civil war when apparently they are too weak to fight the opposing army? If you have any ideas, let me know. Republican logic is beyond me. Maybe I'll return later with a theory.
The Republicans
What is it that makes people so fond of Republicans? They claim to be for smaller government, but at the same time, fight hard to legislate people from conception to death, refusing abortions, send young men and women off to fight in war because the funding for colleges has been slashed (regardless of the president's claim to support education, that support lags K-12 and becomes an assault when the student reaches high school graduation), and finally, if a person is sick and terminally ill, they cannot die until the evangelists say they can. Saying in the best case scenario that it never happens, and I hope it doesn't because I have an uncle with cancer and know the feeling, and you live to reach a grand old age, there's no heath insurance, very little pension, and the republicans would tell you that good, because it's not socialist. What's wrong with socialism? Nothing. Unless you are a republican.
So why do people like republicans so much? They offer protection. With republicans, people feel the terrorists will not seek to destroy us again. It worked with Iran, when Reagan was elected. It worked in Vietnam. Of course, those are just theories, but theories have a way of lingering and aiding Republicans. Except evolution.
So why do people like republicans so much? They offer protection. With republicans, people feel the terrorists will not seek to destroy us again. It worked with Iran, when Reagan was elected. It worked in Vietnam. Of course, those are just theories, but theories have a way of lingering and aiding Republicans. Except evolution.
Testing Testing One Two Three
Now what???
Ha ha ha, this is postmodern, once I get the spelling straight. There isn't much time to chat right now, I probably will be going to quiznet in a few seconds.
Ha ha ha, this is postmodern, once I get the spelling straight. There isn't much time to chat right now, I probably will be going to quiznet in a few seconds.
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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

- Lobolius
- Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.
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