where is our hope in America today? Is it with the people we face, the array of handy politicians racing for our votes in a race jockeyed by money and circling the people like vultures?
or is it hidden in those we have not yet seen, ducked inside hearts yet young and unable to express with direct power, acting through the people above them, in hopes of becoming more like them?
i thought i had found it, but i was, i fear, wrong. How often are americans going to be wrong about their politicians, or is it how long are politicians going to be wrong about Americans?
For that matter, who is right about Americans? Is it the shock jocks who tell them what to think, the bloggers dodging the news streams of the past century, tapping the old lineage of the 19th century journal? All i can say is, i hope that the spin doctors and vote tabulators and experts of the candidates are wrong. because at the rate they are advising, we have no more hope.
But this is not yet Rome
Roman Wolf
Return of the Politico I
Hello Lobolians
It is now a new year, and high time to return to the grand old theorectical days of yore. Now, at this point, the average blogger would simply declare, I am for ___________! yell at all of you, and insist that you are for ___________! too. I consider such politicoing rather rude, and consider it rather high minded of me to insist that you share my polical views. I don't want you to share my political views. Blindly following the political view of any blogger, especially one that resides online with a psuedonym called "roman wolf". We all know what the romans made of politcs.
Caesar walks up to the senate, (stab stab stab stab stab stab)x(stab stab stab stab stab stab)
et tu brute?
yep, i'm a brute
end of Ceasar
So yeah, don't trust your political views to a Roman.
But I always liked the Greeks better, except for the fact that Lobopolis didn't sound nearly as good as Lobolius when I needed a fake name, so I became the Roman Wolf, rather than the Greek Wolf. Plus the Romans had their Lupercale, so they liked Wolves. I am not sure if the greeks liked wolves or not, Homer certainly was fond of lions. But I am no lion. Lions are for people named Richard. or at least their hearts are.
cour'de'lion and all
or however you spell the french word for heart. If you know, leave a little comment for me, so that I know. Something close to that, but i have a feeling there is an e in it somewhere. haha
Now, about Politics.
Hilary appeared on the Tyra Banks show today, and was talking about Chelsey Clinton. Amazing how wonderful a fierce and strong minded mother is when she protects here child, but oh how dreadful the fierce and strong minded female politician is. One is admirable, the other divisive.
Obama is still scavenging for his post as the Kennedy of the Generation that grew up under the reign of Clintons and Bushses. Some say he is too young, but so was the guy who fended off the darkest, most nearly human extincting, phase of the cold war. Rather amusing, isn't it, how short memories of history can be. everyone who was old enough to fall in love with Kennedy is old enough to blast Obama for being too young.
Among the Republicans, it is a mad scramble for whoever can be the most Reaganesque, or have the most charming smile, or be the most right about iraq, or who can charm the most neo-neo-conservatives.
Thomson is handidly playing the Reagan Card, drawing off the 1980's memories of the old guard conservatives and cashing in on his status as an actor, hoping that the shadow of the guy who killed farmers in nicaragua then lassoed and ripped down the berlin wall will waft him into the oval office.
Mitt Romney obviously read somewhere in the mass media that Americans vote in the man who looks the prettiest for president and while lovingly eyeing himself in the mirror decided that he was the fairest of them all and after a bit of flip flopping, made up his mind, and then changed it again and ran for president anyway. If the presidential looking card contiues to pan out for him, then he is in luck. He has the biggest smile and the whitest teeth and the correct hair.
McCain saw Iraq and decided that he was going to hedge all his bets on Iraq being a good idea for America, because since it was a new Vietnam, and Vietnam was a good fight, Iraq was one too. He knew Vietnam was a good fight because he was a POW. And in NH, it actually worked for him a bit. He won there.
Huckabee loves the Neo-Neo-Conservatives. These are the neo conservatives who are trying to reform the neoconservatives, by having a strong focus on youth issues like the enviroment, while keeping up the old guard;s defence of the sanctitiy of marriage with at most a modern separate but equal doctrine. At least, well, the status quo is nice too, and since they are Conservatives, the olden days when gay meant no more than happy would proabably be pleasant too. he's their hero. Plus the evangelicals like him too, he's from the south and he's a governor. Both are strong creds for anybody not named Will Clinton.
Course, there are plenty of others i could critique, but my fingers are tired and your eyes probably are too. When i have made my next post, this will be the earlier one. But till then, more will be on the way.
It is now a new year, and high time to return to the grand old theorectical days of yore. Now, at this point, the average blogger would simply declare, I am for ___________! yell at all of you, and insist that you are for ___________! too. I consider such politicoing rather rude, and consider it rather high minded of me to insist that you share my polical views. I don't want you to share my political views. Blindly following the political view of any blogger, especially one that resides online with a psuedonym called "roman wolf". We all know what the romans made of politcs.
Caesar walks up to the senate, (stab stab stab stab stab stab)x(stab stab stab stab stab stab)
et tu brute?
yep, i'm a brute
end of Ceasar
So yeah, don't trust your political views to a Roman.
But I always liked the Greeks better, except for the fact that Lobopolis didn't sound nearly as good as Lobolius when I needed a fake name, so I became the Roman Wolf, rather than the Greek Wolf. Plus the Romans had their Lupercale, so they liked Wolves. I am not sure if the greeks liked wolves or not, Homer certainly was fond of lions. But I am no lion. Lions are for people named Richard. or at least their hearts are.
cour'de'lion and all
or however you spell the french word for heart. If you know, leave a little comment for me, so that I know. Something close to that, but i have a feeling there is an e in it somewhere. haha
Now, about Politics.
Hilary appeared on the Tyra Banks show today, and was talking about Chelsey Clinton. Amazing how wonderful a fierce and strong minded mother is when she protects here child, but oh how dreadful the fierce and strong minded female politician is. One is admirable, the other divisive.
Obama is still scavenging for his post as the Kennedy of the Generation that grew up under the reign of Clintons and Bushses. Some say he is too young, but so was the guy who fended off the darkest, most nearly human extincting, phase of the cold war. Rather amusing, isn't it, how short memories of history can be. everyone who was old enough to fall in love with Kennedy is old enough to blast Obama for being too young.
Among the Republicans, it is a mad scramble for whoever can be the most Reaganesque, or have the most charming smile, or be the most right about iraq, or who can charm the most neo-neo-conservatives.
Thomson is handidly playing the Reagan Card, drawing off the 1980's memories of the old guard conservatives and cashing in on his status as an actor, hoping that the shadow of the guy who killed farmers in nicaragua then lassoed and ripped down the berlin wall will waft him into the oval office.
Mitt Romney obviously read somewhere in the mass media that Americans vote in the man who looks the prettiest for president and while lovingly eyeing himself in the mirror decided that he was the fairest of them all and after a bit of flip flopping, made up his mind, and then changed it again and ran for president anyway. If the presidential looking card contiues to pan out for him, then he is in luck. He has the biggest smile and the whitest teeth and the correct hair.
McCain saw Iraq and decided that he was going to hedge all his bets on Iraq being a good idea for America, because since it was a new Vietnam, and Vietnam was a good fight, Iraq was one too. He knew Vietnam was a good fight because he was a POW. And in NH, it actually worked for him a bit. He won there.
Huckabee loves the Neo-Neo-Conservatives. These are the neo conservatives who are trying to reform the neoconservatives, by having a strong focus on youth issues like the enviroment, while keeping up the old guard;s defence of the sanctitiy of marriage with at most a modern separate but equal doctrine. At least, well, the status quo is nice too, and since they are Conservatives, the olden days when gay meant no more than happy would proabably be pleasant too. he's their hero. Plus the evangelicals like him too, he's from the south and he's a governor. Both are strong creds for anybody not named Will Clinton.
Course, there are plenty of others i could critique, but my fingers are tired and your eyes probably are too. When i have made my next post, this will be the earlier one. But till then, more will be on the way.
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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

- Lobolius
- Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.