Is there some point to the world or do we simply like to delude ourselves? Come on, face it, the world is a large spinning ball containing mostly water, salt water, with a bit of dirt here and there, and some ice on top and bottom. That's all there is. Why should such a ball have a purpose for each and every one of us?
But being human, and homo sapiens, wise humans, at that, we all have concluded that there is a point to our wisdom. We need a point for our wisdom, an outlet for those superfluous conclusions we draw every day. That is why the internet is so popular. We have all been raised in America to believe that we are all unique and special, but with so many unique and special voices, we need to be heard above the clamor.
The postmodern world is said to be filled with such ruckus, a mindless miasma of thoughts disconnected from the world around them, beings trapped without a sense of location, when, like me, they wander onto a computer and tap the powers of the net.
But is it that bad? Does not the internet, with its super strength of individualism surmount that babble? Of course it doesn't. The Rant is a single voice yapping in a loud brook, surrounded by thousands of other yappers, and a handful of screamers whose voices are known, heard, and occasionally recognized by many people who skim the net for those who can be heard.
There is more sound than ears to listen, more to be heard than can ever be heard. That is the nature of the world I and so many of the people my age have grown up in, yet we have all been told from infancy that our voices matter, that what we say counts. We have been raised knowing both realities as inherently true, and some people look at us and wonder, why are the young people today so disenchanted, so cynical, so refusing to vote? We have been decieved. That is why.
We have grown up with soundless voices, talked with our fingers, looked with a two dimensional screen and made friends with images alone. What else could we be but image centric, snappy thinkers who cannot look in depth at an issue? A generalization of course, but truer than many of us would like to admit to. We are fought by our own world as we grow up, yet coddled and told we are safe and loved.
Our own inherited passions have destroyed us, the technology we have been raised to love has replaced any other world in beauty, in rightness. There is no swifter way to learn, to talk, to experiance the world than the internet, but one day there will be. And that is the ultimate hope for any generation, that they outlive what they were born with and eventually become capable of remembering antiquated things, like vcrs.
Roman Wolf
Hello Lobolians!
I fear this blog has lost it's political teeth, especially compared to last year. Well, I want to change that.
To do so, I will start with a topic that many consider frivilous in the world of politics, but not so frivolous as to make me shy away from it while biting hard on political matters.
So, now, in keeping with my theory of enforced neutrality by bombing everyone, I guess i will go after the democrats. Consider that lineup they give us. The standard fare of old white men, an old black man, a young black man (too young for many to like)and a white woman.
And now, we see that come down to this-those two at each other's throats. Where else can a politician's teeth go? How about to being critical of our national debt, in the trillions and largely held by China. Money brought down many nations before this, the Romans among them. But where are those words?
I have no idea where the words against that are. We seem too eager to attack the "other" and too uninterested in doing anything about the issues that need to be attacked.
How to defeat Obesity, a Sarcastic Approach
People who wish to remain anomymous have touted a brilliant new way to combat the obesity epidemic in today's youth. While admitting that some find it a little extreme, they insist that it will succeed where M rated video games, freeze dried apples at McDonalds and banning tag on playgrounds has not:
Starve Them.
The plan is simple, really. Child comes back from the M rated Video, asks mom, can i have some cookies? The mom turns gently but firmly to her child and says, no I am sorry honey. You are fat. I read about a way to save you from diabetes.
The kid frowns, aware so far only that he is being denied cookies.
"What's that?" The kid wails, in an age old technique.
"I need to starve you." The mom replies, padlocking the safe loaded with cookies, bread, milk, apples, and cheerios.
Has anyone else ever found situations like this pathetic in some way? I mean, we are a nation largely consisting over the overweight, the underexercising, where the idea of starving yourself is encouraged on websites as a way to become beautiful. In other parts of the world, starving is something everyone dreams of avoiding. Who knows where I am going with this, I just thought it was an interesting foil this morning.
Roman Wolf
Starve Them.
The plan is simple, really. Child comes back from the M rated Video, asks mom, can i have some cookies? The mom turns gently but firmly to her child and says, no I am sorry honey. You are fat. I read about a way to save you from diabetes.
The kid frowns, aware so far only that he is being denied cookies.
"What's that?" The kid wails, in an age old technique.
"I need to starve you." The mom replies, padlocking the safe loaded with cookies, bread, milk, apples, and cheerios.
Has anyone else ever found situations like this pathetic in some way? I mean, we are a nation largely consisting over the overweight, the underexercising, where the idea of starving yourself is encouraged on websites as a way to become beautiful. In other parts of the world, starving is something everyone dreams of avoiding. Who knows where I am going with this, I just thought it was an interesting foil this morning.
Roman Wolf
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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

- Lobolius
- Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.