Hello Lobolians
I sincerely unleash my regrets that I haven't spoken with you for so long, but life beckons to one such as I with a pull as hard as any the cyber world can unfurl.
Do you ever wonder what would happen to our world as we know it if a nuclear bomb did go off and all the electronic things we know and rely upon for a second home, a portal to worlds unseen by our unscreened eyes, were to vanish? I was thinking about that this morning. Almost an entire year of sitting down at a computer, typing about what was happening, what might come to our world, all that would be gone. And this is just a small site, but I love it. Imagine a world where google was dead and nothing but a very large number again. Imagine if there was no such place as youtube, or myspace, and all the things we were ever to see were those that we could reach and view in the outside world.
What would this era be called then? All signs of the electronic age would be gone. Would we become the latter dark ages, and the curiosity of future anthropologists? They would wonder about us, what we thought, what we did. They would know, no doubt, why it had happened. Would that spur people to have hard copies of their data for ten, twenty years, or a century? Then no doubt, knowing humanity's short attention span, the idea of storing everything onto a computer would fall again into fashion and maybe this time they will invent computers that could work without crashing and an internet faster than dial up for all. After all, if the world must spin on for all eternity of this multiverse, we may as well hope it spins upward and for the better. Otherwise we face nothing but our own repetitive doom, again and again.
Roman Wolf
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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

- Lobolius
- Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.