How are things going out there?
There was a very interesting report that downplays everything the Republican Regime has been explaining to Americans lately. Apparently Iraq has made the world more dangerous, not less. Hmm. And Bush is meeting with Afghan president Harmid Karzai today, to discuss the situation in that country, which is also fighting off a resurgence of violence. Clearly the military, which had to endure all those horrible years without any war, and face off critics who said it took up too much American tax dollars has overexerted itself. And the world shall suffer for it for years to come. How tragic.
In happier news, I would like to mention something that I covered for the newpaper. Over the weekend of September 16th about 3000 youth from all around the world gathered in Denver to discuss a Global Call to Action. It was for an organization called Peace Jam, led by none other than the top Nobel Peace Prize Laureates from all around. It covered such critical topics as Women's Rights, the Enviroment, and the growing disparity between rich and poor. Not the rich and poor of America, both of whom live better off than the poor of many other countries. Even a ghetto is better than a slum. So at least there are some people dedicated to peace and doing something to reach it.
Roman Wolf
Greetings from afar, my Lobolians!
Well, not that afar, since I really don't know how far away the noncommentors are. To let me know, give me a comment, any comment. I don't feel up to any sort of hard knock analysis today, so I will just tell another story, like the one I gave about the little boy and his mother.
The young women stepped off the private jet, glad the trip was over. She had come a long way for this trip, all the way from heaven in fact. "Why did we have to come all the way to Earth when we're all dead Albert?"
"Vell," Said Albert. "I don't really know. But I rather like Earth, it has so many trees. Every time I come here I am glad they have not been blown to bits by a nuclear bomb. No thanks to those warmongers who run everything after all. But perhaps now peace will haff a chance Rosa."
"What makes you say that Al? I'm just a simple recently dead seamstress after all, and I remember thinking that forty years ago. Peace still hasn't come to the world."
Albert paused, thinking over just how long it had been since he'd been alive to think about peace. It seemed to have slipped his mind. "Vell, I know I'm considered to be the smartest human of the last century, but actually it was something this one president has been saying lately. He was talking about all the corners we have been turning lately, and something about light at the end of the tunnel. Now, since Americans elect their leaders, obviously they would elect a smart, intelligent man, and this one did go to Yale."
Rosa shook her head. "Al, he got d's in all his classes, and failed a bunch of them."
Albert laughed. "No matter Rosa, so did I."
"Yeah, you really weren't an Einstein!" Rosa joked, and the two got on the plane laughing and laughing.
That's the way peace really will have a chance. Laugh some today.
Roman Wolf
Well, not that afar, since I really don't know how far away the noncommentors are. To let me know, give me a comment, any comment. I don't feel up to any sort of hard knock analysis today, so I will just tell another story, like the one I gave about the little boy and his mother.
The young women stepped off the private jet, glad the trip was over. She had come a long way for this trip, all the way from heaven in fact. "Why did we have to come all the way to Earth when we're all dead Albert?"
"Vell," Said Albert. "I don't really know. But I rather like Earth, it has so many trees. Every time I come here I am glad they have not been blown to bits by a nuclear bomb. No thanks to those warmongers who run everything after all. But perhaps now peace will haff a chance Rosa."
"What makes you say that Al? I'm just a simple recently dead seamstress after all, and I remember thinking that forty years ago. Peace still hasn't come to the world."
Albert paused, thinking over just how long it had been since he'd been alive to think about peace. It seemed to have slipped his mind. "Vell, I know I'm considered to be the smartest human of the last century, but actually it was something this one president has been saying lately. He was talking about all the corners we have been turning lately, and something about light at the end of the tunnel. Now, since Americans elect their leaders, obviously they would elect a smart, intelligent man, and this one did go to Yale."
Rosa shook her head. "Al, he got d's in all his classes, and failed a bunch of them."
Albert laughed. "No matter Rosa, so did I."
"Yeah, you really weren't an Einstein!" Rosa joked, and the two got on the plane laughing and laughing.
That's the way peace really will have a chance. Laugh some today.
Roman Wolf
the Man w/o a Plumber
I am back at school now, so hopefully the postings will be a little less erratic. So look out all you regular bloggers out there, the wolf is again at your door.
Armitage has just admitted and apologized for leaking Valerie Plame's name to a columnist for the NYT. Shame it took him so long to mention it, it might have saved a lot of less involved people the trouble and bad publicity. Not like I can really feel sorry for Karl Rove, a Vulture like that doesn't deserve much pity, but nobody deserves to be falsely accused. Armitage resigned from his post as Deputy Secretary of State, a postition where he was a top advisor to COLIN POWell. A name that no doubt will be whispered because he was one of the few unsullied names throughout the Bush Regime, nobody will want to dishonor his prestigous memory by the fact that one of his deputies was a leaker. Shame Nixon is dead. He always knew how to find a good plumber. Maybe Bush should learn from his legacy. Oh wait, he has, hasn't he? And improved. No more bothering around with rubber stamp judges, just cast the entire judiciary branch out the oval office window. And the legistative while he's at it. After all, as Bush said, a dictatorship isn't so bad, as long as you are the dictator.
Roman Wolf
I am back at school now, so hopefully the postings will be a little less erratic. So look out all you regular bloggers out there, the wolf is again at your door.
Armitage has just admitted and apologized for leaking Valerie Plame's name to a columnist for the NYT. Shame it took him so long to mention it, it might have saved a lot of less involved people the trouble and bad publicity. Not like I can really feel sorry for Karl Rove, a Vulture like that doesn't deserve much pity, but nobody deserves to be falsely accused. Armitage resigned from his post as Deputy Secretary of State, a postition where he was a top advisor to COLIN POWell. A name that no doubt will be whispered because he was one of the few unsullied names throughout the Bush Regime, nobody will want to dishonor his prestigous memory by the fact that one of his deputies was a leaker. Shame Nixon is dead. He always knew how to find a good plumber. Maybe Bush should learn from his legacy. Oh wait, he has, hasn't he? And improved. No more bothering around with rubber stamp judges, just cast the entire judiciary branch out the oval office window. And the legistative while he's at it. After all, as Bush said, a dictatorship isn't so bad, as long as you are the dictator.
Roman Wolf
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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

- Lobolius
- Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.