Again, my sincerest apologies for not contacting you for so long, but alack, the joys of summer are stronger than the bonds of a blog, even one so fine and dear to my heart as this, the Lobolian Rant. I would like to adress a plan I have come up with for resolving the difficulties of two regions of this country, Flood and Fire.
Say we were to build an aqueduct extending across the southern part of the United States from the hurricane ravenged southeast to the draught-plauged southwest. After each hurricane, the excess water could be pumped and channeled down the aqueduct to Arizona, Nevada, California, Western Texas, New Mexico, wherever the lack of rainfall is being felt the hardest. The system could be done easily enough, the Romans managed to build lots of aqueducts back in the day with far fewer resources than what 21st century technology could dredge up. Then whenever a hurricane strikes New Orleans again, which one easily could do, rather than dump the water back into Lake Ponchetrain as the US Army Corps of Engineers usually would do, it would be funneled to aid in drought relief where water is scarce. If the water is simply dumped back into Lake Ponchetrain, it could easily come back when or if the levys breach.
The ROMAN Wolf
The Ghost of Henry
Hey People out there (my lobolians!)
Sorry I couldn't blog again sooner, but I had to get to good internet first. I found it here, at the local library after a long quest through busy roads and gorgeous parks.
So back to buisness. I only have a few more minutes.
George Bush was talking today about his efforts to help the Iraqis trust and believe in their government. Look who's talking. This is the man who has acted for six years to destroy the bill of rights, Patrick Henry's gift to the generations, bit by precious bit. Give me liberty or give me death, PH declared, and he refused to support anything that failed to aid the people The PEOPLe of the United States of America. Now a hypocritical president of that very nation, my nation that I love and wish to serve forever, is speaking with PH"s voice while smashing silently. How dare that Bush.
Sorry I couldn't blog again sooner, but I had to get to good internet first. I found it here, at the local library after a long quest through busy roads and gorgeous parks.
So back to buisness. I only have a few more minutes.
George Bush was talking today about his efforts to help the Iraqis trust and believe in their government. Look who's talking. This is the man who has acted for six years to destroy the bill of rights, Patrick Henry's gift to the generations, bit by precious bit. Give me liberty or give me death, PH declared, and he refused to support anything that failed to aid the people The PEOPLe of the United States of America. Now a hypocritical president of that very nation, my nation that I love and wish to serve forever, is speaking with PH"s voice while smashing silently. How dare that Bush.
Death of a Terrorist
Al-Zarqaui's death probably will have relatively little impact on anything, except to lessen the civil war in Iraq, which is fantastic, but beyond that, I doubt it will change much. First of all, he was not too well liked by Osama because he was giving terrorism a bad rap in the Muslim world (Hmm, I wonder how hard THAT is to pull off) after killing fellow Muslims. Sure they may have different ideas of who shouldv'e taken over after Mohammad's death but that was over a thousand years ago. To a westerner, that is eternity. To a Muslim, it might not be, but who cares. Secondly, those who believed in him now have another Martyr on their hands and that the terrorists do believe in, regardless of sect. And if you recall, Saddam's capture was supposed to be a blow to the terrorists as well.
What interests me in all this is that the death came at such a convienient time. Just what us anti-war moderates need. More evidance of divine intervention to the rabid eyes of War Hawks.
Roman Wolf
Al-Zarqaui's death probably will have relatively little impact on anything, except to lessen the civil war in Iraq, which is fantastic, but beyond that, I doubt it will change much. First of all, he was not too well liked by Osama because he was giving terrorism a bad rap in the Muslim world (Hmm, I wonder how hard THAT is to pull off) after killing fellow Muslims. Sure they may have different ideas of who shouldv'e taken over after Mohammad's death but that was over a thousand years ago. To a westerner, that is eternity. To a Muslim, it might not be, but who cares. Secondly, those who believed in him now have another Martyr on their hands and that the terrorists do believe in, regardless of sect. And if you recall, Saddam's capture was supposed to be a blow to the terrorists as well.
What interests me in all this is that the death came at such a convienient time. Just what us anti-war moderates need. More evidance of divine intervention to the rabid eyes of War Hawks.
Roman Wolf
One of these days I'll have to figure out how to delete the extra posts when my publishing goes GAGA.
However, the time has now been corrected. I cannot thing of anything pressing to blog about, but I can't think of anything to google either. So. How about a poem?
People gather together
Talking about what they think
But when one isn't gathered with them,
More thought arises
Quiet lingering has greater aid
Then boisterous gab and grin
It will be one with arrows who claims the world
On the last day of all
The guns would've given them away
In the stake for greatness
Nobody has won with sizzling flame
And routing smoke
One day they won't be so forgotten
Those who lie on the ground
Where their ghosts hover in glory
Drinking it as a mortal would wine
What glory will come to me in the afterlife?
What paths of the dead can I trod
I? Who rejected their own world
Everyone else's world
The good are claimed upon finding the grail
Leaving the cruel to rule this world
The others simply struggle to live on
Outside their bounds
However, the time has now been corrected. I cannot thing of anything pressing to blog about, but I can't think of anything to google either. So. How about a poem?
People gather together
Talking about what they think
But when one isn't gathered with them,
More thought arises
Quiet lingering has greater aid
Then boisterous gab and grin
It will be one with arrows who claims the world
On the last day of all
The guns would've given them away
In the stake for greatness
Nobody has won with sizzling flame
And routing smoke
One day they won't be so forgotten
Those who lie on the ground
Where their ghosts hover in glory
Drinking it as a mortal would wine
What glory will come to me in the afterlife?
What paths of the dead can I trod
I? Who rejected their own world
Everyone else's world
The good are claimed upon finding the grail
Leaving the cruel to rule this world
The others simply struggle to live on
Outside their bounds
One of these days I'll have to figure out how to delete the extra posts when my publishing goes GAGA.
However, the time has now been corrected. I cannot thing of anything pressing to blog about, but I can't think of anything to google either. So. How about a poem?
People gather together
Talking about what they think
But when one isn't gathered with them,
More thought arises
Quiet lingering has greater aid
Then boisterous gab and grin
It will be one with arrows who claims the world
On the last day of all
The guns would've given them away
In the stake for greatness
Nobody has won with sizzling flame
And routing smoke
One day they won't be so forgotten
Those who lie on the ground
Where their ghosts hover in glory
Drinking it as a mortal would wine
What glory will come to me in the afterlife?
What paths of the dead can I trod
I? Who rejected their own world
Everyone else's world
The good are claimed upon finding the grail
Leaving the cruel to rule this world
The others simply struggle to live on
Outside their bounds
However, the time has now been corrected. I cannot thing of anything pressing to blog about, but I can't think of anything to google either. So. How about a poem?
People gather together
Talking about what they think
But when one isn't gathered with them,
More thought arises
Quiet lingering has greater aid
Then boisterous gab and grin
It will be one with arrows who claims the world
On the last day of all
The guns would've given them away
In the stake for greatness
Nobody has won with sizzling flame
And routing smoke
One day they won't be so forgotten
Those who lie on the ground
Where their ghosts hover in glory
Drinking it as a mortal would wine
What glory will come to me in the afterlife?
What paths of the dead can I trod
I? Who rejected their own world
Everyone else's world
The good are claimed upon finding the grail
Leaving the cruel to rule this world
The others simply struggle to live on
Outside their bounds
Duke Picture
Below you can see a picture of my beloved golden retriever, Duke at his favorite place.
Happy Omen day everyone.
Steer clear black cats, broken mirrors, witches, horned men who don't look like perfect gentlemen, demons, dragons, black lagoons, gambling websites, abortion clinics, the white house, Hell (the city), haunted houses, and anywhere else a dark creature of the abyss might linger. Oh I nearly forgot-the mines of Moria. That's a biggie, even if there isn't another Balrog theres still orcs and goblins to deal with.
You might want to avoid -Godlessness:the church of liberalism- as well. If the lady who wrote it writes as stupidly as she talks on the today show, you might not have any brain cells left after the first page. Then you can't read my beloved blog. That would be a tragedy, wouldn't it?
Roman Wolf
Steer clear black cats, broken mirrors, witches, horned men who don't look like perfect gentlemen, demons, dragons, black lagoons, gambling websites, abortion clinics, the white house, Hell (the city), haunted houses, and anywhere else a dark creature of the abyss might linger. Oh I nearly forgot-the mines of Moria. That's a biggie, even if there isn't another Balrog theres still orcs and goblins to deal with.
You might want to avoid -Godlessness:the church of liberalism- as well. If the lady who wrote it writes as stupidly as she talks on the today show, you might not have any brain cells left after the first page. Then you can't read my beloved blog. That would be a tragedy, wouldn't it?
Roman Wolf
The Posture Peedic
Good day to you all. I hear it's 120 at some parts of the country, glad it's not here. More political wrangling in DC over gay marriage, though why the president would choose to rally his ultra conservative base right before an election when republican polls are down is probably beyond ANY analysist. It should be obvious. This is a political move, in a political game, with politics at stake. What more do you expect out of POLIITICians. That's what they are. It's what they do and what we elect them for. Now, what I would like to see is some motions that are more than simple political wrangling. Something noble, elevated, intelligent perhaps. Maybe find a way to negotiate a better imigration policy with Mexico so that more immigrants can come from here to there legally and prevent others from feeling that their only chance is to risk a desert dash under the guns of border patrol. Or perhaps, oh anything would do really, just no more of this piss and posture. It doesn't help the country, and if more people saw through it, it wouldn't even help the votes.
Roman wolf
Roman wolf
Lobolian Rant
Lobolian Rant
According to that web site, I am Gustav Mahler, a fanatical german composer who was so scared of his own work that he went nuts and refused to let anyone hear it? Can you believe that? Well, guess what, it's partly true? Why else would I refuse to reveal my name here? To you, i am Lobolius, the Roman Wolf of the blogosphere. Just kidding. I love to get my ideas out there. That is the true reason. Or is it?
The Aforementioned wolf.
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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

- Lobolius
- Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.