last day of March folks. Hope everyone out there enjoyed it.
People Run People Run
Where can Where can
People Go?
When they run When they run
There is nowhere there is nowhere
To Run To Run
Fly fast now, fly fast now
Run Away Run Away
Before, Before
It is done, it is done
Tingling Bells, tingling bells
A theif in the chimney yells
Vonnegut, Vonnegut.
There in Timequake, there in Timequake
Do You know, do you know?
Of that book, of that book?
I do, I do
Roman Wolk checking out, checking out
The Roman wolf is back. Has anyone out there arrived to miss me over the last week? Sorry I didn't get back to the empty world on Iraq, but this dialup connection I am using today isn't going to allow much talk. I can't even see what I am writing it's so slow. Oh, well that's AOL for you. I hate AOL. It doesn't even work half the time and when it does work it's too SLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! Deep baritone voice, like a dying robot, the anguished blogger bemoans her cursed fate, (And curSAID would be the poetic pronunciation here) as Lobolius desperately seeks to connect with somebody, somewhere via this great web of people strung out across a barren, desolate world. Okay, enough poetics. I'll just have to wait until i go back to school and use the computers there. Ta Ta for now!
The Roman Wolf
The Roman Wolf
So, the three year anniversary. Need I say of what? I hope not. War is inevitable and there is no force capable of stopping it. The military, like all organisms growing and seeking to advance itself in government must feed and nurish itself, in this case on human blood. The fact is, there was no Al Quida in Iraq until we came in there, there were schools in Iraq until we came there. So those schools we keep hearing about, those roads, we're simply rebuilding the ones we smashed to bits three years ago! Three years it has taken to rebuild what the army has destroyed. And it will take much longer than that to remove the terrorists we have drawn into Iraq. I have to head to class, so, more on this tommarrow. I WILL get around to my Vietnam point ASAP, but there's this student-county government experiance I signed up for.
So, the three year anniversary. Need I say of what? I hope not. War is inevitable and there is no force capable of stopping it. The military, like all organisms growing and seeking to advance itself in government must feed and nurish itself, in this case on human blood. The fact is, there was no Al Quida in Iraq until we came in there, there were schools in Iraq until we came there. So those schools we keep hearing about, those roads, we're simply rebuilding the ones we smashed to bits three years ago! Three years it has taken to rebuild what the army has destroyed. And it will take much longer than that to remove the terrorists we have drawn into Iraq. I have to head to class, so, more on this tommarrow. I WILL get around to my Vietnam point ASAP, but there's this student-county government experiance I signed up for.
The Dubai Port-Deal or Misdeal?
Nothing too serious today, a banged up elbow from shoveling doesn't suit itsself too nicely to thinking politics. Speaking of Politics-had you going there for a sec, didn't I??? Actually, on Tuesday I'm going to some Boys/Girls County thing, so that's all the politics I wanted to mention. You actually thought I might start talking serious, like I don't know the Dubai port deal or something along those lines. Because just this once, I won't. I enjoy shaking the world up. A lot.
In my part of the country, we're having a regular battle between winter and spring. Last week it hit fifty degrees, which may not sound like much to a southerner but in good old Many-Snow-ta that's quite warm for March. Now we have almost a foot of snow, and more coming tonight. Amazing, isn't it, how all things in the world seem to be lining up. Good vrs. evil and nobody can give the exact same answers as to what is good and what is bad. In the Chronicals of Narnia, the one where the kids return to help Prince Caspian, that's the title by the way Lucy asks, "What would happen if we could no longer know which bears are talking bears and which are the dumb brutes?" That's what I think of when I see the Democrats and the Republicans battling it out in Congress. Both blindly follow party line on the key issues, refusing to see the third option. If there even is a third option. There has to be. The trouble is, our precious English language doesn't offer much other than good or evil. In another book I read once there were three sides to that battle, Good Evil and Valor. Valor switched sides all the time, sometimes good, sometimes evil. We need more Valor in Congress. Hooray for those few independent minded Congressmen and women who are willing to crack the monolithic party gates, keep up the good work. And the valorous work too.
Bush's inability to talk straight
What was Bush talking about on that last speech? At one point he said, "They {insurgents} attacked the Golden Mosque because they are not strong enough to face the colition and Iraq army {I can't be sure that this is word for word, but the gist is there} and they seek to create a civil war." How can insurgents want civil war when apparently they are too weak to fight the opposing army? If you have any ideas, let me know. Republican logic is beyond me. Maybe I'll return later with a theory.
The Republicans
What is it that makes people so fond of Republicans? They claim to be for smaller government, but at the same time, fight hard to legislate people from conception to death, refusing abortions, send young men and women off to fight in war because the funding for colleges has been slashed (regardless of the president's claim to support education, that support lags K-12 and becomes an assault when the student reaches high school graduation), and finally, if a person is sick and terminally ill, they cannot die until the evangelists say they can. Saying in the best case scenario that it never happens, and I hope it doesn't because I have an uncle with cancer and know the feeling, and you live to reach a grand old age, there's no heath insurance, very little pension, and the republicans would tell you that good, because it's not socialist. What's wrong with socialism? Nothing. Unless you are a republican.
So why do people like republicans so much? They offer protection. With republicans, people feel the terrorists will not seek to destroy us again. It worked with Iran, when Reagan was elected. It worked in Vietnam. Of course, those are just theories, but theories have a way of lingering and aiding Republicans. Except evolution.
So why do people like republicans so much? They offer protection. With republicans, people feel the terrorists will not seek to destroy us again. It worked with Iran, when Reagan was elected. It worked in Vietnam. Of course, those are just theories, but theories have a way of lingering and aiding Republicans. Except evolution.
Testing Testing One Two Three
Now what???
Ha ha ha, this is postmodern, once I get the spelling straight. There isn't much time to chat right now, I probably will be going to quiznet in a few seconds.
Ha ha ha, this is postmodern, once I get the spelling straight. There isn't much time to chat right now, I probably will be going to quiznet in a few seconds.
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Lobolius, The Roman Wolf

- Lobolius
- Long ago a wolf did howl in the day, as a river flowed and the ocean called. But the wolf lay down by another shore, and then became a tree.